Los Angeles, CA
Property Management
LRS Realty & Management, Inc.
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LRS Realty & Management, Inc. Reviews Summary


Property Management | Los Angeles, CA


9400 CA-27 Suite 110, Chatsworth, CA 91311, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about LRS Realty & Management, Inc.?

As of Jun 12, 2024, 265 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.2 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of LRS Realty & Management, Inc.'s publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

Martha Munoz at LRS Realty & Management is AMAZING!!

Martha Munoz from LRS Maintenance has been a true lifesaver!

I highly recommend this business.

they are a trusted partner standing by you whenever needed.

my house maintenance is always taken excellent care of by Martha Munoz.

my experience has been nothing short of amazing.

Working with Martha at LRS is such a pleasure.

Martha is fantastic!

she has been a true professional!

Would not Recommend this company,

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 29, 2024
Last updated
June 12, 2024

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LRS Realty & Management, Inc.'s customer reviews analysis

The majority of the reviews for LRS Realty & Management, Inc. paint a picture of a company with a strong reputation for customer service, particularly in maintenance management. Martha Munoz, specifically, is frequently mentioned for her exceptional professional conduct and rapid response to maintenance issues. Customers have lauded her efficiency, communication skills, and the quality of the resolutions provided. She is noted for her dedication to clients, which cultivates a sense of trust and reliance. Moreover, her technical knowledge and ability to manage cost-effective solutions emerge as prominent aspects of customer satisfaction. However, an isolated instance reveals dissatisfaction regarding property management practices, particularly communication and rent negotiations, highlighting a stark contrast to the otherwise glowing endorsements.

Positive Feedback

Positive customer feedback for LRS Realty & Management, Inc. overwhelmingly commends the exceptional service provided by Martha Munoz. Her expertise, professionalism, and prompt attention to maintenance issues stand out as key positive aspects. This includes quick technician dispatch, comprehensive explanations to clients, and overall dedication to customer satisfaction. Clients are reassured by her ability to handle problems efficiently, saving them time and money. The technicians working with Martha also receive praise, indicating that she leads a competent team that delivers quality service. Overall, the frequency of positive testimonials regarding Martha's work illustrates a pattern of reliability and excellence within the company's maintenance operations.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the majority of positive experiences, there is a notable instance of negative feedback concerning the property management aspects of LRS Realty & Management, Inc. A tenant experiences issues with policy changes regarding communication with the property owner and transparency in rent adjustments upon the company's takeover. The tenant describes frustration with delayed responses and perceived loopholes to increase rent significantly beyond agreed terms, resulting in a strained relationship with LRS Realty & Management. This isolated feedback introduces concerns about the company’s property management policies and customer relations, which may warrant attention for potential improvement.

Frequently asked questions about LRS Realty & Management, Inc.

What services does Martha Munoz specialize in at LRS Realty & Management?

Martha Munoz specializes in maintenance management, offering prompt service, professional troubleshooting, and managing cost-effective solutions for tenants and landlords.

How responsive is the maintenance team at LRS Realty & Management?

According to customer reviews, the maintenance team, particularly under the guidance of Martha Munoz, is known for their swift response and resolution of issues, often communicating effectively through various channels.

Has there been any negative feedback regarding LRS Realty & Management's property management?

Yes, there has been negative feedback regarding communication barriers and rent negotiation tactics following the company's takeover of some properties. These concerns mainly involve delayed response times and attempts to increase rent beyond the established terms.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for LRS Realty & Management, Inc.

LRS Realty & Management, Inc.
Jennifer Johnson
4 months ago
Wow! Martha Munoz at LRS Realty & Management is AMAZING!! The tenants primary access door for our 4 units was suddenly broken, so none of our keys would work for the door, and we could not access our apartments from the main entrance. I phoned LRS R&M and got Martha, and she immediately reach out to the vendor for technician support! Chris the technician arrived promptly and did a great job! Martha was not only professional and courteous but she saved the day! And gave our issue her full and immediate attention! And, on a holiday weekend! Thank You Thank You Martha! Your are the Best!!
LRS Realty & Management, Inc.
Chanel Khoury
2 months ago
Martha Munoz from LRS Maintenance has been a true lifesaver! Her expertise and dedication in solving household issues are unmatched. Martha's patience and thorough explanations make her a standout professional. Thanks to her, I feel confident managing any problem around the house. Highly recommend Martha for all your maintenance needs!
LRS Realty & Management, Inc.
Cindy Valdez
4 months ago
I highly recommend this business. We have been with LRS for many years and they have been absolutely wonderful. They manage 3 of my properties and are always on top of everything. They have superb customer service and always respond in a timely, friendly and professional manner. Martha Munoz, my maintenance manager, has been amazing! She is extremely helpful and committed to providing my tenants and myself as a landlord the best possible service. 10/10 five-stars!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 80% of LRS Realty & Management, Inc.'s customers had a positive experience.

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About LRS Realty & Management, Inc.

Property Management
About LRS Realty & Management, Inc. Trusted Experts in Property Management Since 1988 LRS Realty & Management is a full service property management and real estate brokerage established in 1988 and specializes in the managing, leasing, and sale of single-family homes, condominiums, and apartments communities. We have offices to serve Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego counties.