Driving School
L Team Driving School
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L Team Driving School Reviews Summary


Driving School | Manchester


9 Badminton Rd, Manchester M21 0UQ

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about L Team Driving School?

As of Mar 27, 2024, 736 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of L Team Driving School's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 27, 2024
Last updated
March 27, 2024

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L Team Driving School's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the overall company reputation of L Team Driving School from recent customer reviews reveals an overwhelmingly positive customer experience. Instructors such as Hassan, Ikram, Ssmina, Mr T, Navid, and Arif are consistently praised for their patience, clear teaching methods, and ability to instill confidence in their pupils. A recurrent theme is the ability of instructors to tailor their lessons to individual needs, focusing on weakness correction and clear communication. The instructors' ability to work with their students' schedules and their motivational support – especially before tests – are also notable positive feedback. The majority of customers report passing their driving tests on the first attempt, which points to a high level of instructional quality and effectiveness. Despite the various specific praises, it is crucial to note that no negative aspects were highlighted in these reviews, indicating a potentially one-sided view or a lack of negative feedback available for analysis.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects of L Team Driving School as highlighted by customer feedback include personalized and patient instruction, with several instructors cited by name for their exceptional teaching. Instructional clarity and the fostering of a reassuring, motivational environment are common threads. Students who have passed on their first attempts attribute their success to the teaching quality and individualized approach to addressing their weaker points. In addition to the effective teaching methods, the flexibility of the instructors in scheduling lessons around students' commitments is frequently appreciated. The emotional support provided by the instructors to reduce the anxiety and stress associated with learning to drive is another positively reviewed aspect of the service.

Concerns and Threads

The collected reviews for L Team Driving School do not present any explicit negative feedback concerning customer experiences. While this may indicate high satisfaction rates and a lack of significant shortcomings, it also limits the assessment of any negative aspects of the service. Without any critical reviews, it is challenging to identify areas for improvement or potential issues that could affect future customers. However, the absence of reported negatives might suggest that any such issues are infrequent or mitigated effectively by the company's service and approach.

Frequently asked questions about L Team Driving School

Can L Team Driving School instructors accommodate my specific scheduling needs?

According to customer reviews, L Team Driving School appears to have instructors who are flexible and willing to arrange lessons that work around students' schedules.

What is the success rate like for students on their first driving test attempt with L Team Driving School?

A number of reviews from customers have highlighted passing the driving test on the first attempt, with credits to their instructors' teaching quality and support.

Do L Team Driving School instructors provide personalized instruction to address individual weaknesses?

Yes, several reviewers have noted that their instructors tailored lessons to their personal skill level and focused on correcting individual weaknesses, contributing to a positive outcome.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for L Team Driving School

L Team Driving School
Kayumba Chiwele
2 months ago
I absolutely highly recommend! Hassan was my instructor, and I had the most pleasant experience throughout my lessons. He was patient with me even when I kept making the same mistakes over and over until I got it right. His teaching approach is very clear, motivating and reassuring. I passed on my very first attempt. Thank you L Team!
L Team Driving School
jayan Kurup
3 months ago
I've just passed my driving test with Hassan as my instructor. He is a great instructor, always found time to work around my days to fit in my lessons. I passed my practical test first time with just one minor mistake. I would highly recommend. Thank you Hassan, I'll be forever grateful!
L Team Driving School
Dong Lin
a week ago
I practice with Ikram. I passed my driving test! he is the best instructor I have worked with. He is very patient and tailors his teaching to the pupil’s skills. He makes sure I work on the weakness before the test. very clear good communication! I strongly recommend him as a driving instructor!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of L Team Driving School's customers had a positive experience.

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