Property Management
Haus Block Management

Haus Block Management Reviews Summary


Property Management | London


266 Kingsland Rd, London E8 4DG

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Haus Block Management?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 347 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Haus Block Management's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 10, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Haus Block Management's customer reviews analysis

An examination of the latest reviews for Haus Block Management reveals a blend of experiences, with several customers expressing satisfaction while others report significant grievances. Positive feedback highlights the helpfulness and professionalism of individual team members, such as Bianca Steenkamp, Matthew Turner, Nicole, and Davida, who are commended for resolving issues quickly and providing excellent support. On the contrary, recurring negative themes include concerns over the management's proficiency, allegations of poor communication, delayed responses to maintenance issues, and financial grievances—such as overcharging and unauthorized payments. Some reviewers are troubled by the continuous requests for payments and lack of transparency regarding invoice corrections. Additionally, the reports of unresolved structural issues, prolonged electricity outages, and poor emergency responses suggest operational challenges within Haus Block Management that significantly impact the residents' quality of life and safety.

Positive Feedback

Focusing on positive customer feedback, individual staff members at Haus Block Management are receiving accolades for their service. Bianca Steenkamp, a client accountant, is praised for swiftly resolving account discrepancies, along with Matthew Turner, whose professionalism and direct support left a strong impression on a client. Nicole's handling of entry fob issues and the promptness of her actions are regarded as exemplary; she went the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction by following up with a phone call. Davida's efficient assistance during the registration process is also commended. These reviews illuminate a segment of the staff's commitment to delivering a high standard of customer service, which enhances the company's reputation.

Concerns and Threads

On the negative spectrum, Haus Block Management has been criticized heavily for its handling of maintenance issues, financial mismanagement, and poor communication. Customers report unresolved problems such as shattered glass panels, ceiling leaks, and prolonged electricity outages. There's a sentiment of frustration over maintenance delays and a lack of responsiveness to emergencies, which worsens the residents' living conditions. Some customers assert that financial issues have arisen, including unauthorized payments to contractors, incorrect invoicing, and continuous demands for additional funds without proper justification. This lack of attention to detail and alleged inefficiency has resulted in financial strain and emotional distress for several residents, tarnishing the company's perceived reliability and trustworthiness.

Frequently asked questions about Haus Block Management

How does Haus Block Management handle maintenance issues that arise?

According to some customer reviews, there are instances of delayed responses and unresolved maintenance issues. However, other reviews suggest that individual team members are capable of providing swift resolutions to certain problems.

Can customers expect accurate invoicing and transparent financial management from Haus Block Management?

While some clients have expressed issues with incorrect invoicing and unexpected financial demands, others have had positive interactions with the accounting staff, implying a variance in experiences.

What is the level of customer service one can expect from Haus Block Management?

Customer service experiences with Haus Block Management vary. Some customers report high-quality service from attentive staff members, while others have encountered significant challenges with communication and issue resolution.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Haus Block Management

Haus Block Management
Fiona Grandidge
4 days ago
Bianca Steenkamp, Haus Client Accountant, couldn't have been more helpful with my telephone query on 3 Jan 2024 about a large payment I'd made to my service charge account, but inadvertently provided my incorrect customer number. She sorted the issue out in 24 hours and sent me an up-to-date statement of my account. What a very wonderful member of the Haus team!
Haus Block Management
Lizi Carey
a week ago
I have concerns about the proficiency of my Management Company - HAUS block management. I have had ongoing issues for the past two years causing me severe frustration, stress and I am unsure of how to proceed. I pay a service charge of that includes management fees, electricity supply, major works, repairs and maintenance, building insurance, drainage - amongst many others - as stated within the annual funds but I do not believe they are upholding their side of the contract or appropriately managing. Glass Panel: 1. On the 14th August the glass panel forming the façade and wall behind my living room shattered. Originally I was told it it was my responsibility but it is the structural exterior and you sent contractors on the 12th September (almost a month later). During their visit they informed us it would take a few weeks to get the glass ready and replaced. I then began a series of back and forth emails only providing me with various excuses as to the delay. I even contacted those who had come to measure the glass who told me they had sent HAUS a quote on the 10th October and never heard back. HAUS then sent me a quote from another company. Months later on December 12th they then emailed me that the insurers would send another contractor to measure the glass. It has now nearly been 6 months since the incident and I am suffering both with the stress of the matter and anxiety as to my welfare with the shattered glass outside. I have on numerous occasions asked to be copied into all correspondence relating to the matter as I do not believe HAUS are taking their responsibility seriously. I am still waiting to be sent what I have asked for. Corridor ceiling leak 2. There has been a leak in my corridor that I first brought to the attention of HAUS two years ago. I was told this was a plumbing issue from the flats above and had been repaired. Two weeks of my time was taken for the corridor to be redecorated. In March 2023 I reported it had returned. I was extremely worried given the leak sits above light switches and electrical sockets. I was again told it originated from the flats above and was fixed. On the 23rd October I returned home to find a hole in the wall and a puddle of water that was dripping from the wall and pooling on the floor. A contractor came within a week and traced the dripping to the ninth floor. I was shown a video of the pooled water there due the lack of drainage pipes on the balconies of those flats. This falls within the responsibility of the management company as an external and structural issue - despite HAUS telling me I should contact the tenant to sort the problem. Again, I believe I have paid a service charge for a service not given. I believe this is once again going to be an ongoing issue since the cause is the lack of drainage on balconies. They are structurally prepared with fitting holes for the installation of drainage pipes and this needs to be rectified to avoid further damage to my flat and the waterfall effect to stop long term. Poor management + Electricity outages 3. I have also now experienced the second weekend without any power due to the lack of organisation, management, and poor emergency response from HAUS. I do not believe (and also heard being spoken by contractors and concierge) that the tank cleaning was done with the necessary preparation, caution or expertise. I have suffered financially, physically and emotionally due to the above and due to HAUS' lack of service. I am severely concerned as to the organisation of HAUS and their main contracted company who is also part of board there. I believe there is a conflict of interest leading to problematic work in the interest of saving costs, or making profits, at the expense of myself and all residents.
Haus Block Management
Vitali Autukas
3 days ago
I don't like leaving bad reviews but I feel I have no choice: this is a REALLY BAD company. They haven't fixed most basic things in our property for almost a year despite collecting service charges. Their contractors caused damage to our property and despite us instructing do not pay their invoices, these were paid without our consent (leaving us with debt and damaged property). Contract with them was terminated a few years ago, but problems caused by them still affect us in a negative way. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. I do not believe any good reviews as these are left mainly by their contractors, not customers. To HAUS Team: Please do not post your excuses here as you had a chance to fix an issues but you simply ignored us....
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Haus Block Management's customers had a positive experience.

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Property Management