Primary School
Greet Primary School

Greet Primary School Reviews Summary


Primary School | Birmingham


Percy Rd, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 3ND

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Greet Primary School?

As of Apr 13, 2024, 28 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.3 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Greet Primary School's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 13, 2024
Last updated
April 13, 2024

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Greet Primary School's customer reviews analysis

An analytical review of customer testimonials for Greet Primary School presents a predominantly positive perception of the institution. Multiple reviews commend the school for its excellent educational standards and its effective and immediate response to any issues that arise. Parents and students alike express satisfaction with the quality and enjoyment of the educational experience, including curricular innovations such as the potential use of gaming for learning. However, it's important to note the presence of an isolated incident portraying frustration with both the school's response and a broader issue related to perceived negligence. Additionally, some minor criticisms point to operational concerns, such as difficulties with school communication channels, technological tools, and dissatisfaction with specific aspects of the school catering.

Positive Feedback

The positive feedback for Greet Primary School is multifaceted, highlighting the school's reputation for excellent education, proactive staff, and a nurturing environment. Testimonials frequently acknowledge the competence of the majority of the staff, who are often described as attentive to students' needs and prompt in addressing concerns. Parents appreciate the involvement and the positive influence the school has on their children, with expressions of how children love attending. Compliments also extend to engaging curricular activities, such as the suggestion of incorporating gaming into the learning process. This suggests the school's openness to innovative teaching methods. Past student experiences reflect longstanding satisfaction with one review celebrating an enjoyable outing, which points to a well-rounded educational approach that includes extracurricular enrichment.

Concerns and Threads

A critical analysis of negative comments about Greet Primary School reveals two primary areas of concern. Firstly, there is a significant complaint involving an incident outside of the school's direct control that resulted in dissatisfaction with the school's response. Secondly, operational issues have been pinpointed by some parents, notably in their ability to communicate effectively with the school and get satisfactory answers to technological problems with educational apps. This suggests room for improvement in how the school manages parent interactions and supports the use of educational technology. Another trivial but negative aspect came from a student displeased with a specific item on the school's menu, the pizza, indicating a minor dissatisfaction with the quality of food provided.

Frequently asked questions about Greet Primary School

How responsive is Greet Primary School to concerns and issues raised by parents?

Greet Primary School is usually commended for its prompt response to issues, with staff described as proactive and quick to address concerns. However, there have been instances where communication was not fully satisfactory, suggesting that while the school generally upholds a responsive reputation, there is room for improvement in ensuring consistent communication efficacy.

Does Greet Primary School offer a high standard of education?

Based on customer feedback, Greet Primary School is perceived to offer a high standard of education. Parents and students note the competence of the teaching staff and the positive educational experience, with multiple reviews highlighting the school's excellent approach to learning.

Is Greet Primary School open to innovative teaching methods?

The inclusion of gaming as a potential teaching tool, as suggested by a student's review, implies that Greet Primary School is open to incorporating innovative methods into its curriculum. This points to a progressive approach to education that seeks to engage students through modern and relatable techniques.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Greet Primary School

Greet Primary School
Shamir Ali
a year ago
Incompetent imbeciles. Some fugly incompetent imbecile woman decided to run her pram over my foot. I contacted the school but they decide not to answer the phone as they fully knew I would be reporting this. The incompetent West Midlands police did nothing too. No wonder there are so many retarded incompetent imbeciles out there. They don't teach the basics.
Greet Primary School
5 years ago
We've worked with the school (parents) for a number of years and found generally most of the staff are excellent. Any problems arising are addressed immediately. If our grandchildren lived near the shool they would definitely be coming here. Thank you all for everything especially Mr Mason. Ghulam and Nasreen Khan.
Greet Primary School
pete jackson
6 years ago
My son and daughter go here and they absolutely love it they also have a great education so I don't know what Libyah Ahmed or whoever is talking about.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Greet Primary School's customers had a positive experience.

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Primary School