San Francisco, CA
Tax Service
Flex Tax And Consulting Group

Flex Tax And Consulting Group Reviews Summary


Tax Service | San Francisco, CA


1160 Battery St suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Flex Tax And Consulting Group?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 50 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Flex Tax And Consulting Group's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 28, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Flex Tax And Consulting Group's customer reviews analysis

Flex Tax and Consulting Group has generally garnered a positive reputation as evidenced by the variety of customer reviews. According to client feedback, the company stands out for its professional services and knowledgeable associates. Specifically, customers appreciate the clear and efficient communication from Flex Tax employees such as Chris, Will, and Alex. On multiple occasions, these consultants were praised for their ability to identify overlooked details and provide helpful recommendations for future tax filings. The firm's aptitude for dealing with complex tax scenarios, including multi-state capital gains and cryptocurrency transactions, also received commendation. Despite mostly positive accounts, there are reports suggesting inconsistencies in service quality and communication issues, which appear to detract from the overall customer experience. Some clients expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of thoroughness and alleged errors in tax preparation, as well as a perception that promotional incentives might compromise the integrity of reviews. The firm’s pricing, while noted as reasonable by some, was questioned by others in relation to the level of service provided.

Positive Feedback

Customers have highlighted several key strengths of Flex Tax and Consulting Group. Affirmative feedback underscores their expert tax consultancy services, with professionals such as Chris, Will, and Alex frequently mentioned for their exceptional skills and thoroughness, especially in resolving complex tax issues from previous years. Recommendations for future tax planning and the ability to claim significant deductions have been recognized as significant benefits of the service offered. Moreover, the consistent quality of customer service provided year after year has reinforced client trust and loyalty. The convenience of Flex Tax's online and remote operations is also prized, allowing clients to file their taxes without incurring notable disruptions to their schedules.

Concerns and Threads

Despite many positive reviews, Flex Tax and Consulting Group has faced certain criticisms regarding their service quality and practices. Notably, a customer mentioned a promotional strategy that offers a discount for 5-star reviews, which casts doubts on the authenticity of their overall rating. Communication issues constituted a major concern, with clients narrating experiences of minimal updates and missing essential tax-related information. Additionally, the execution of tax filing has been called into question with reported errors and software issues leading to incorrect refund methods. Transitioning between different consultants during the tax process has also been reported as a drawback, contributing to confusion and a perceived lack of personalized service.

Frequently asked questions about Flex Tax And Consulting Group

What kind of tax services does Flex Tax and Consulting Group specialize in?

Flex Tax and Consulting Group specializes in a variety of tax services, including resolving complex tax issues from previous years, preparing yearly tax returns with a focus on maximizing deductions, as well as handling cryptocurrency transactions and multi-state capital gains.

Can Flex Tax and Consulting Group handle tax preparation for clients with complicated tax situations?

Yes, according to the reviews, Flex Tax has been noted for their capability to work through complex tax scenarios, including multi-state capital gains calculations, handling foreign accounts, and assisting with RSU and ISO consultations.

Does Flex Tax offer in-person consultations, or is everything done remotely?

While Flex Tax primarily operates through online platforms and communication channels such as email and e-sign technology, there is an option to schedule after-hours in-person meetings for certain services.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Flex Tax And Consulting Group

Flex Tax And Consulting Group
Grace Wu
8 months ago
I worked with Chris to resolve an issue from two tax years ago (2021) and to file last year's taxes (2022). I had talked to four H&R block advisors and another tax consultant about my 2021 taxes, but none of them were able to figure out what was going on. Chris not only identified details that everyone else missed, he helped me figure out a process of resolving it that required less money from me. Filing 2022 taxes was simple, and he had helpful recommendations to make next year's tax return easier. Any time I had questions, he would explain it all very clearly. Overall he was very efficient, clear, helpful, and capable. I will be coming back next year to file taxes through Flex Tax again
Flex Tax And Consulting Group
Camille Despringhere
a year ago
We've been a costumer of Flex Tax and Consulting for years and they have been helping us preparing our yearly tax returns. We've been closely working with Will and couldn't be happier with the service provided. He's always been great at understanding our situation, and communication is very easy. With the amount of deduction we've been able to claim over the years, it's well worth the price! We highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable CPA to file their yearly returns!
Flex Tax And Consulting Group
Kristy Liao
a year ago
My experience with Flex Tax was far from what other reviews address. They offer customers $30 discount for 5 star review and so the reviews are not trustworthy. I worked with two Alex and Will to do my 2021 tax return. They keep communication fairly minimal. They didn't tell me when they would be working on my tax, and they didn't even care to inform me that my tax was filed, until I asked them right before the due day. They sent me a draft a week before tax due with lots of errors. It was super stressful and I had to look very carefully what went wrong. It turns out Will didn't include several key information (medical insurance, bank info, foreign account, etc) which I already provide in a questionnaire. From other review, Alex mentioned they would walk through the tax result with customers, which is not true! They only sent out the draft, asked for review, made an update, asked for signature, and done. They didn't care to talk to me anything more about my return. They didn't care to inform me that the tax return was filed. I set up for direct deposit for the tax return, and of course another "software issue" from Flex Tax got me paper refund instead. There might be more errors I didn’t notice in the tax return unfortunately. I gave them two stars because my tax was at least filed.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Flex Tax And Consulting Group's customers had a positive experience.

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About Flex Tax And Consulting Group

Tax Service

The Flex Tax and Consulting Group (FTCG”) is a CPA Firm that provides audit, accounting, tax, and business advisory services.
