Est 22 Barbers
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Est 22 Barbers Reviews Summary


Barbers | Liverpool


21 Lydia Ann St, Liverpool L1 5BW

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Est 22 Barbers?

As of Jul 06, 2024, 187 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.8 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Est 22 Barbers's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

really nice place

great chat and nice unique experience

best barber in England

feeling fresh and amazing cut

Awesome place, friendly people

Top tier experience

Can't fault them

best barber in Liverpool

Great cut, friendly barber

definitely not worth it

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 6, 2024
Last updated
July 6, 2024

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Est 22 Barbers's customer reviews analysis

Est 22 Barbers appears to hold a positive reputation among its clientele based on the analyzed reviews. Customers frequently praised the barbershop for its high-quality haircuts and friendly, engaging barbers. The establishment is noted for providing a unique customer experience, such as offering a beer during service and fostering a homely atmosphere. Attention to detail and the ability to deliver on requested styles, such as a Mohawk, are highlighted as key strengths. Barbers like Gaz, Agg, Kev, and Mollie received specific commendations for their customer service and skill, which suggests a personalized rapport with clients. Nonetheless, there are mentions of drawbacks related to pricing transparency and inappropriate in-shop behavior, such as vaping during service. These isolated incidents suggest potential areas for improvement that could enhance the overall customer experience.

Positive Feedback

The positive aspects of Est 22 Barbers are well-documented through the customer feedback. The barbershop excels in providing personalized and detailed haircuts tailored to client requests. Barbers like Gaz, Agg, and Mollie in particular are singled out for their excellent service and skill. The sociable nature of the staff, along with the friendly and homely atmosphere, contributes to a unique and enjoyable experience during visits. The additional amenities offered, such as having a beer while getting a haircut, add a distinctive touch to the customer service. Furthermore, the ability of the barbers to provide style advice and execute styles meticulously, coupled with the use of proper sanitation methods such as disinfecting clippers, instills a sense of trust and satisfaction among the patrons.

Concerns and Threads

On the flip side, Est 22 Barbers faces criticism on specific fronts. A key issue raised by a customer relates to the lack of transparency regarding haircut prices, which was perceived as steep compared to the market rate for a simple trim. Additionally, the customer experience was tarnished by the barber's vaping during the haircut, which not only breaches professional etiquette but also has potential legal implications. This indicates that while the shop maintains high standards in hairstyling and customer rapport, it could improve its business practices to ensure all customers have a consistently positive and comfortable experience without any unwelcome distractions or surprises.

Frequently asked questions about Est 22 Barbers

Does Est 22 Barbers have a price list available for their services?

Based on the reviews, it seems that the pricing may not be prominently displayed, which has led to some customers feeling surprised by the cost. It is advisable for prospective customers to inquire about the prices before receiving the service.

Can I have a beer or beverage while getting a haircut at Est 22 Barbers?

Yes, Est 22 Barbers offers a unique experience that includes the option to have a beer whilst receiving a haircut, as mentioned in the customer reviews.

Are appointments necessary for a haircut at Est 22 Barbers?

The reviews do not provide specific information regarding the necessity of appointments. It is recommended to contact Est 22 Barbers directly to clarify whether you need to book in advance or if walk-ins are welcome.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Est 22 Barbers

Est 22 Barbers
Alex Cam
a week ago
Went in for the first time today and spoke to the owner to try and sort out a hair style I liked. It is a really nice place and got one of the best hair cuts. Definitely going back
Est 22 Barbers
Adam Raymond
3 days ago
Quality place, great chat and nice unique experience to have a beer whilst getting a trim. Great trim overall by Gaz.
Est 22 Barbers
Daniel Fishelman
a month ago
Agg is the best barber in England. Nobody can give a haircut like him. It is always great to chat and banter with the lad as well. I would recommend Agg to anyone looking for a haircut in Liverpool.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 90% of Est 22 Barbers's customers had a positive experience.

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Est 22 Barbers

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