Cleaning Services
Cleaning Services Birmingham

Cleaning Services Birmingham Reviews Summary


Cleaning Services | Birmingham


Centre Court, Stratford Rd, Hall Green, Birmingham B28 9HH

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Cleaning Services Birmingham?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 85 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Cleaning Services Birmingham's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 4, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Cleaning Services Birmingham's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Cleaning Services Birmingham is variable according to customer reviews. Positive feedback frequently highlights their professionalism, punctuality, and high-quality cleaning standards. Observations of their meticulous attention to detail and effective performance in challenging scenarios, such as cleaning properties left in poor condition by previous tenants, contribute to their commendable reputation. On the other hand, there are notable concerns regarding customer service and management procedures. A particular incident involving a dispute over cancellation fees suggests a potential lack of transparency and poor communication in their policies. The inconsistency in the cleaning process—evident from one account where certain areas were neglected during an end of tenancy clean—also indicates room for improvement. Recurring positive themes include reliability, thoroughness, and satisfaction in the actual cleaning services provided, countered by specific negative experiences related to administrative aspects and customer relations.

Positive Feedback

Cleaning Services Birmingham garners praise for delivering reliable and thorough cleaning services. Customers express satisfaction with the cleanliness standard, frequently emphasizing the company's professionalism and promptness. Exceptional results, especially in situations requiring more intensive cleaning such as steam carpet cleaning and deep house cleaning, are repeatedly commended. Reviewers also appreciate the cleaners' friendly demeanor and willingness to provide advice. Recurring commendations for on-time arrivals and the ability to leave homes spotless posit the company as a dependable choice for various cleaning services, including residential, office, and specialized moving-related cleaning.

Concerns and Threads

On the downside, Cleaning Services Birmingham faces criticism for its customer service and management practices. The company's policy on cancellation fees, specifically, is a notable point of contention, with complaints about a lack of clarity and aggressive demands for payment being particular sources of dissatisfaction for at least one customer. This instance highlights potential issues with transparency and customer communication that could be systemic. Another concern is the inconsistent completion of listed cleaning tasks, with some areas remaining untouched during an end of tenancy clean, suggesting that operational oversights occasionally impact service quality.

Frequently asked questions about Cleaning Services Birmingham

Does Cleaning Services Birmingham have a clear cancellation policy?

There have been customer reports of unclear communication regarding cancellation fees. It is recommended that prospective clients clarify potential fees and review company policies thoroughly before scheduling a service.

Can I expect Cleaning Services Birmingham to clean every listed area during an end of tenancy cleaning?

While most customers report thorough service, there have been instances of specific areas being overlooked. It may be beneficial to discuss a comprehensive checklist with the cleaners beforehand to ensure all areas are addressed.

Are the cleaners from Cleaning Services Birmingham professional and punctual?

Numerous reviews positively note the professionalism and punctuality of the cleaning team, indicating that the company is respected for its timely and courteous service.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Cleaning Services Birmingham

Cleaning Services Birmingham
Danchinoloves !!
a month ago
They are not clear on having a cancellation fee which is 50% of the service you had booked. At 1st they threatened to go to debt collectors. When I had all the correspondence we had on WhatsApp and know where it was meant or even asked to go and read their policy before confirming that you want the slot. It took a while for them to believe me and communication was them demanding money. They even deleted some chats but as soon I as informed them I'm a government civil servant they changed their tune. They Apologised and admitted i was correct then when I wanted to still book a slot for non commercial appt they totally blanked me after stating its needed because I'm having cancer treatment and haven't been recovering at my property, which was all stated upfront in the 1st conversation. So I cant say anything about they work but the way back of house management really need to be retrained for sure cos I believe this isnt the 1st time its happened and people not able to speak up properly fell for their cancellation fee when it hadn't been accepted apart of the booking.
Cleaning Services Birmingham
Nas H
a month ago
Great service. On time and cleaned my property to a very high standard. Happy to give advice. Definitely recommend.
Cleaning Services Birmingham
rameez sattar
6 months ago
I am absolutely thrilled with the cleaning service provided. From the moment they arrived, their professionalism was evident, and they left my home spotless. Their attention to detail, promptness, and friendly demeanor make them my top choice for all future cleaning needs. Service: Moving-related cleaning
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Cleaning Services Birmingham's customers had a positive experience.

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