Scaffolding Companies
Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.

Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd. Reviews Summary


Scaffolding Companies | Glasgow


61 James Watt Place, College Milton, Glasgow G74 5HG

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 5 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 3.6 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.'s publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

Created by
Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.'s customer reviews analysis

Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. has generally received high praise based on customer reviews, indicating a positive company reputation and superior customer experience. Clients have commended the company for going above and beyond, particularly noting their conscientious approach to minimizing inconvenience to customers during projects. Despite the predominantly favorable feedback, there has been a concern regarding adherence to regulations, with one review highlighting a specific incident where the company was perceived as prioritizing their business operations over safety by continuing construction work during a period where the Scottish Government advised cessation of such activities unless it pertained to essential infrastructure like hospital construction.

Positive Feedback

The majority of reviews for Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. reflect a highly favorable perspective from the customer base. Clients have highlighted the company's exceptional service, singling out their efforts to go the extra mile in ensuring minimal disruption to clients' lives during scaffolding projects. The consistent theme across the positive reviews is a sense of recommendation and trust—with customers expressing their willingness to endorse the company to others, suggesting strong satisfaction with the services provided. These commendations contribute significantly to the positive reputation of Check-IT Scaffold Services in the market.

Concerns and Threads

While positive feedback stands out for Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd., there is a note of concern regarding the company's operational decisions during government-advised stoppages. A review cited the company's choice to continue construction work—implying a disregard for government advice which was aimed at prioritizing public health and safety. This feedback suggests the perception of a potential gap in the company's commitment to regulatory compliance and community welfare, which could become an area affecting customer trust and the company's reputation adversely if similar views are echoed in other feedback.

Frequently asked questions about Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.

Does Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. ensure minimal inconvenience to clients during projects?

According to customer feedback, Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. is commended for going over and above to ensure little inconvenience to customers, which suggests a proactive approach to managing their operations with client comfort in mind.

Would past clients recommend Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. to others?

Based on the reviews, past clients are highly likely to recommend Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd., as indicated by the use of the phrase 'would highly recommend' and similar sentiments in their feedback.

Has Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. ever been criticized for not following government advice?

One review criticized Check-IT Scaffold Services Ltd. for blocking a road during a period when the Scottish Government advised halting construction work for safety reasons. However, this appears to be an isolated incident within the available reviews.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.

Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.
Natalie Coyle
4 months ago
Used this company via our house builders and couldn’t fault them at all. Going well over and above to ensure little inconvenience to us when they didn’t have to. Would recommend!
Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.
James Heatherwick-Porteous
3 years ago
Blocking road in Condorrat today. Putting money before lives by not following Scottish Government advice to stop all construction work today unless you're building a hospital
Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.
L Gould
9 months ago
Fab company, would highly recommend.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.'s customers had a positive experience.

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Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.

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About Check-It Scaffold Services Ltd.

Scaffolding Companies

From scaffolding hire to specialist scaffolding for civil & construction engineering; we can cater for all types of jobs. From all kinds of large housing, retail, commercial or industrial projects and civil engineering scaffolding for roads, bridges and railways to refurbishment work or smaller domestic scaffolding – we do the lot. We are based in East Kilbride and have been providing contract scaffold hire and sales in Glasgow, Edinburgh and across Scotland for over 30 years.
