Dallas, TX
Golf Courses
Cedar Crest Golf Course
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Cedar Crest Golf Course Reviews Summary


Golf Courses | Dallas, TX


1800 Southerland Ave, Dallas, TX 75203, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Cedar Crest Golf Course?

As of Jul 10, 2024, 429 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.3 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Cedar Crest Golf Course's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

Lovely and amazing golf course

Great customer service

Really friendly staff

delightful journey

absolutely incredible

went above and beyond

Greens remain poor

Impossible to get the ball

Painfully slow greens

terrible condition

truly abysmal shape

just packed dirt

unfortunately they’ve lost about half their greens

Greens in bad shape

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
July 10, 2024
Last updated
July 10, 2024

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Cedar Crest Golf Course's customer reviews analysis

Cedar Crest Golf Course possesses a dichotomized reputation based on the historical value and layout of the course juxtaposed with consistent critiques of the green conditions. Despite praise for the scenery, layout, and the rich historical background, including being the host of the 1927 PGA Championship, customer satisfaction is marred by negative experiences with the golf course's greens. Reviews repeatedly mention poor conditions of the greens, with frequent references to mud daubers, hard surfaces, lack of grass, and abysmal maintenance, particularly during the summer months. Additionally, expectations set by staff regarding green conditions appear to be misleading at times, exacerbating frustration. Nevertheless, aspects such as customer service and fairway conditions garner positive comments, indicating that while the greens are a significant detractor, they are not reflective of the entire Cedar Crest experience.

Positive Feedback

Customer feedback highlights several commendable aspects of Cedar Crest Golf Course, particularly its customer service, scenic layout, and historical significance. The staff is often praised for their friendliness and attentiveness, exemplified by going above and beyond for special occasions and ensuring readiness and provisions such as refreshments in carts. The historical value of the course, having hosted the 1927 PGA Championship, enriches the experience for players. Additionally, certain elements of the course, such as the fairways and hole designs, are consistently lauded for their condition and the enjoyable challenges they present to golfers. The natural beauty and lush fairways contribute to a delightful and scenic golfing experience, suggesting that Cedar Crest can offer an enjoyable round of golf, particularly for those focusing on aspects other than the greens.

Concerns and Threads

The primary concern derived from customer feedback pertains to the condition of the greens, which appear to be a persistent issue. The greens are described as hard, devoid of grass, and routinely in poor shape, especially during the hotter months. The presence of mud daubers and their unsettling nesting activity on the greens compounds the problem, rendering putting over long distances problematic. Some reviews express disappointment in the perceived lack of honesty from staff regarding the condition of the greens, leading to dissatisfaction and erosion of trust. Furthermore, the absence of amenities such as a beverage cart and water stations also detract from the overall experience. The cumulative negative feedback surrounding the greens suggests a crucial area of improvement for Cedar Crest if it intends to retain its customer base and heritage.

Frequently asked questions about Cedar Crest Golf Course

What is the current condition of the greens at Cedar Crest Golf Course?

As of the most recent reviews, the greens at Cedar Crest Golf Course have been consistently described as being in poor condition, with hard surfaces, packed dirt, and a lack of grass, particularly during the summer months.

Is Cedar Crest Golf Course suitable for all levels of golfers?

Yes, the course is praised for its layout and historical significance, offering a challenging and scenic experience for golfers of all skill levels, though currently, the dining experience can be less satisfying due to the poor condition of the greens.

Does Cedar Crest Golf Course offer good customer service?

According to reviews, Cedar Crest Golf Course is generally praised for its excellent customer service, with staff members going above and beyond to accommodate guests and provide a positive experience.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Cedar Crest Golf Course

Cedar Crest Golf Course
Racing World
5 days ago
Lovely and amazing golf course with a lot of history. Hole # 8 with 360 yards down hill is of the nicest holes! Great customer service and fast gasoline powered golf carts. It makes your round faster and enjoyable!
Cedar Crest Golf Course
Mark Dixon
a month ago
6/9/24 Greens remain poor. Fantastic fairways, but not sure what's going on with the greens. Holes #4 and #12 had mud daubers nesting in the green. I've never seen that. There are holes all over the green with mud daubers flying in and out of them. Impossible to get the ball to the hole with a putt over 20 feet. I don't expect them to get any better with the Texas heat but hopefully they'll be back to healthy and true by the fall. 5/26/24 I love this layout, pace of play, and walkability, BUT, greens are painfully slow. Even more frustrating, when I made my tee time I asked how the greens were and the gentleman replied "Great!". You will lose my business that way. Be honest, and I'll return another time. Easily the slowest greens I've ever played on. So maddening because I love this course. We never could figure out how to hit the ball hard enough to get it to the hole. It was brutal.
Cedar Crest Golf Course
John West
a year ago
Really friendly staff. Course probably was up there in its hay day! Great layout! Greens however weren't that good. Hard and no grass on them.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that 40% of Cedar Crest Golf Course's customers had a positive experience.

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Cedar Crest Golf Course

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About Cedar Crest Golf Course

Golf Courses
Long-running 18-hole golf course featuring a driving range, a shop & private lessons.