Driving School
Ashley Neal Driving Instruction

Ashley Neal Driving Instruction Reviews Summary


Driving School | Liverpool


50 Whitewood Park, Fazakerley, Liverpool L9 7LG

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Ashley Neal Driving Instruction?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 500 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Ashley Neal Driving Instruction's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Ashley Neal Driving Instruction's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Ashley Neal Driving Instruction appears to be positive based on the collected customer feedback. The school seems to be recognized for its capacity to accommodate students despite high demand, indicating good customer service practices and responsiveness. Multiple reviews commend the driving school for its thorough and professional instructors, with specific mentions of Adam, Gary, and Liam who are highlighted for their expertise and ability to boost confidence. Furthermore, the inclusion of Ashley Neal's educational content, such as YouTube videos, is appreciated by learners as an added resource. However, there is an exception in the feedback wherein a student had a negative experience with an instructor named Simon G, citing unprofessional behavior that affected their confidence. This indicates that while the majority of experiences are very positive, there are isolated incidents of instructor conduct that do not meet expectations, which could be a concern for potential new students.

Positive Feedback

Ashley Neal Driving Instruction is consistently praised for its effective and adaptive teaching methods, with several instructors being named for their exceptional skills and methodologies. Instructors such as Arash, Julie, Liam, Gary, and a commendable substitute for Simon, Steven, all receive special mention for their patience, knowledge, and supportive nature. The flexibility of the instructors to accommodate schedule changes and the tailored approach to each student's needs are recurrent positive aspects, with many students passing their driving test on the first attempt. Such achievements point towards a systematic and successful teaching strategy reinforced by the professional and constructive feedback from the instructors. The added educational support material like YouTube videos is another facet of the school's comprehensive approach to driver education.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the overwhelming satisfaction reported in customer feedback, there are notable concerns regarding individual experiences with instructor professionalism. A particular case of dissatisfaction was associated with a former instructor, Simon G, whose behaviour was reported as being late, disruptive, and verbally abusive. This serious complaint reflects negatively on the company's instructor selection and monitoring processes. Also troubling is the allegation that the feedback regarding Simon G's behavior was seemingly dismissed by the company's management. While this is an isolated incident amongst many positive reviews, it’s important for the company to address such issues decisively to maintain trust and ensure high standards of instruction and professionalism are upheld across the board.

Frequently asked questions about Ashley Neal Driving Instruction

What happens if my assigned instructor is no longer available?

Ashley Neal Driving Instruction works to ensure continuity in your learning experience. If your assigned instructor is unavailable, they strive to provide a replacement who can fit into your schedule and continue your driving education with minimal disruption.

Can I pass my driving test on the first attempt with this school?

While individual experiences may vary, many students from Ashley Neal Driving Instruction have successfully passed their driving test on the first attempt. This success is attributed to the quality of instruction and resources provided by the school.

How does Ashley Neal Driving Instruction handle negative feedback about instructors?

Ashley Neal Driving Instruction takes feedback seriously and is expected to address any concerns about instructor behavior. While most feedback is positive, any negative incidents raised by students are intended to be investigated, and corrective measures should be taken to ensure a positive learning environment for all students.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Ashley Neal Driving Instruction

Ashley Neal Driving Instruction
Jeffrey Hipolito
a month ago
When I was looking for a driving school, Ashley Neal driving Instruction was one of the few school that responded to my inquiry. They were very accommodating and tried to fit me in even when they were very busy. At the time they did not have available instructors but they have put me on the waiting list and soon as an instructor was available they have fitted me in. I had Adam as my first instructor unfortunately he could not continue so he helped us find a new instructor. Adam was really good and very reassuring. I had Gary as my second instructor. He is very professional and is very good and thorough with his instructions. He gives good tips on how to improve your driving. Gary unfortunately couldn't continue and had to have some time off so I had another instructor. I had Liam who was also very good and was kind and accommodating to fit me in his busy schedule. Liam is very good and very reassuring which boosts your confidence. He give good advice on how to improve your driving but also gives positive reassurance which I needed to boost my confidence in driving. Thank you so much.
Ashley Neal Driving Instruction
Ehsan Faraji
3 months ago
My instructor was Arash. He was very patient. He was knowledgeable and helped me to become a good driver. I enjoyed every lesson with him and had a great time during the lessons. I recommend him to anyone who wants to learn how to drive. I passed the first time and I am very grateful to him and Ashley Neal school for the great experience. I also watched Ashley Neal videos on YouTube and they are very helpful. Thank you
Ashley Neal Driving Instruction
Charlize David
3 weeks ago
I learnt with Julie and without her I don't think I would've continued to drive having been scared to drive initially. I managed to pass first time after 38 hours with her. She was so lovely and patient and really pushes you to do your best. I liked her teaching style and enjoyed having our lessons, I'm going to miss our sessions. I would definitely recommend her to anyone around Aintree area to do the Norris Green test centre.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Ashley Neal Driving Instruction's customers had a positive experience.

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Ashley Neal Driving Instruction

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About Ashley Neal Driving Instruction

Driving School

Quality driving lessons and instructor training with amazing results
