Houston, TX
Trademark Salon

Trademark Salon Reviews Summary


Hairdressers | Houston, TX


10300 Louetta Rd #106, Houston, TX 77070, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Trademark Salon?

As of Apr 02, 2024, 1092 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Trademark Salon's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
April 2, 2024
Last updated
April 2, 2024

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Trademark Salon's customer reviews analysis

Trademark Salon appears to have a significantly positive reputation based on recent reviews, highlighting the expertise and client-centric approach of its staff. Consistent themes emerge of thoughtful customer service, from the warm reception at the front desk to the personalized attention provided by stylists. Reviews recurrently praise the ability of various stylists to understand and execute client desires, often exceeding expectations. The salon's environment is described as welcoming, with staff that are both friendly and professional. The ability of stylists to work skillfully with different hair types and provide insightful consultations adds to the reputation of good training and experience. The owners, Carlos and Tim, are frequently mentioned for their influence in cultivating a team that delivers high-quality results and maintains strong client relations. Moreover, the provision of amenities and atmospheric details contribute to the overall positive experience.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback for Trademark Salon emphasizes the salon's commitment to exceptional customer service, as well as the expertise of its stylists. Customers are impressed by the individual attention they receive, which includes personalized consultations, tours of the salon, and professional advice on styling and hair care without the need for extensive explanation. The staff's skill in handling different hair types and understanding of personal features are particularly appreciated. Many customers note the ability of stylists to execute desired outcomes skillfully, whether it is a chic cut, intricate coloring, or a complete style change. Furthermore, the salon's aesthetics and additional services like varying coffee options enhance the overall experience, making customers feel pampered and regarded as valued guests. The immediate comfort and assurance provided by both front desk staff and stylists contribute to a reassuring and enjoyable salon visit.

Concerns and Threads

While the collection of recent reviews for Trademark Salon is overwhelmingly positive, it is important to consider that this dataset contains no explicit negative experience or dissatisfaction. However, for the objective analysis, this absence of negativity must not be mistaken for nonexistence. In an environment where many variables can affect the customer experience, it's possible that there are unmentioned areas of improvement such as pricing, wait times, booking ease, or post-visit hair maintenance advice. Since the dataset provided does not contain any critical reviews or suggestions for improvement, a comprehensive assessment of the negatives cannot be constructed without additional data.

Frequently asked questions about Trademark Salon

What kind of hair services does Trademark Salon specialize in?

Trademark Salon offers a variety of services including personalized haircuts, professional coloring, balayage, and style changes, with experience in handling different hair types and conditions. The stylists are also well-trained to provide consultations to best match your features and needs.

Can I book an appointment on the same day at Trademark Salon?

Although same-day appointments may be available, they are subject to the salon's current bookings. It is reported that an experienced stylist was arranged for a customer on the same day, indicating the salon's willingness to accommodate urgent requests when possible.

Are the stylists at Trademark Salon able to work with fine or thin hair?

Yes, the stylists at Trademark Salon, as mentioned in the reviews, have been praised for their ability to handle various hair types, including fine and thin hair, with great care and skill. They are trained to cater to specific hair challenges and personal style preferences.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Trademark Salon

Trademark Salon
Angie Seale
2 days ago
From the moment I walked in, I was beyond amazed at this salon. The attention to detail from a customer perspective was overwhelming. The owners Carlos and Tim have put much thought into creating the perfect experience for their customers/guests. From the gentleman at the front counter, offering me a variety of coffees and bringing it to me with a beautiful design on top, to the young man who took me on a tour of the salon, so that I would know where everything was and what they offer, to the assistance who prepped my hair and helped out Carlos, I was just blown away. My color has never looked this good!! And the entire experience was something that I hope everyone gets a chance to experience one day.
Trademark Salon
Blanca Daws
a month ago
I’ve been to this a salon a couple of times before, but my last experience was amazing! I had a considerable amount of hair cut off due to hair loss that I’ve been experiencing lately. Sal did an amazing job. I told him I wanted to cut my hair a little above my shoulders and he took off and made it look great. I’m honestly impressed because usually I have to look for a picture and describe in a lot of detail what I want. A lot of times I don’t know exactly what I want, but Sal knew what would look great with my hair type and features.
Trademark Salon
Jkjahou Anthis
a month ago
After having Tim only (except for a few times with Carlos) for 14 years, Kim cut and colored my hair and did a wonderful job. My hair is thin and fine, so it’s not “easy” hair to work with. She is kind and patient and very personable. Tim & Carlos train their employees well, so just about everyone does a great job. I’m just making the rounds for fun and making more friends.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Trademark Salon's customers had a positive experience.

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Trademark Salon

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About Trademark Salon

Trademark Salon stands as a beacon of beauty and innovation in the haircare industry. Catering to both men and women, our salon prides itself on delivering unparalleled hairstyling services. Our signature offering, Natural Beaded Rows Hair Extensions, exemplifies our commitment to providing state-of-the-art solutions that cater to the diverse needs of our clientele. Beyond extensions, our expertise spans a wide range of services including vibrant color treatments, luminous highlights, and precise cuts, all tailored to enhance your unique beauty. At Trademark Salon, every visit is more than a service; it’s an experience.