Rebecca Yeomans Reviews Summary


Weight Loss Centres | Birmingham


2 Church Grove, Billesley, Birmingham B13 0NJ

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Rebecca Yeomans?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 21 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Rebecca Yeomans's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 15, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Rebecca Yeomans's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Rebecca Yeomans - The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant is marked by an overwhelmingly positive response from clients. Customers consistently praise Rebecca for her exceptional support and commitment to their weight loss journeys. A recurring theme in the reviews is the personalized and attentive service provided, with Rebecca going above and beyond in her role as a consultant. Clients appreciate her timely responses, daily check-ins, and the motivational atmosphere she fosters. Her professional, friendly, and supportive demeanor, coupled with her ability to relate personally to her clients, contributes significantly to the positive customer experience. This comprehensive and encouraging approach to weight management appears to be a pivotal factor in the successful outcomes reported by many clients, such as significant weight loss milestones and maintained weight loss achievements over time.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects from customer feedback include Rebecca's outstanding level of support and the personalized attention she offers her clients. Her readiness to respond quickly to messages and calls signals a commitment that customers find reassuring and motivating. A highly valued trait is her friendly and approachable nature, making clients feel comfortable and relaxed, which seems to enhance the weight loss process. Customers report substantial results, such as multi-stone weight losses, with Rebecca's guidance. The establishment of a WhatsApp support group and her proactive approach, like delivering products or initiating contact, demonstrate her dedication to her clients' success. Her empathetic understanding, likely rooted in her own experiences, is highlighted as a source of encouragement, particularly when clients face challenges.

Concerns and Threads

The reviews provided do not explicitly outline negative aspects of customer feedback regarding Rebecca Yeomans - The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant. All of the clients express strong satisfaction and provide endorsements of Rebecca’s services. Given the nature of the feedback, it may be necessary to conduct a broader review to capture a more comprehensive view of any potential deficiencies or areas for improvement in the service provided.

Frequently asked questions about Rebecca Yeomans

What kind of support can I expect from Rebecca Yeomans as my 1:1 Diet consultant?

As a 1:1 Diet consultant, Rebecca provides a high level of support that includes regular check-ins, swift responses to messages and calls, delivery of diet products, motivational encouragement, and a supportive WhatsApp group for clients.

Can Rebecca Yeomans help me with a substantial weight loss goal?

Yes, clients have reported significant weight loss achievements with Rebecca Yeomans, including multi-stone weight reductions and maintaining weight loss over extended periods.

How approachable is Rebecca Yeomans as a consultant?

Rebecca is described as very friendly, attentive, and empathetic. Clients report feeling comfortable and relaxed with her, making her highly approachable.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Rebecca Yeomans

Rebecca Yeomans
Sharon Seston
2 months ago
So Rebecca is my consultant and boy I am so glad she is! Always a smiley face, great support, can call anytime or message and I know she will respond asap…. She’s the best! Thank you Bex!
Rebecca Yeomans
Leanne Hinson
8 months ago
When choosing a consultant for the 1:1 Diet, I wanted someone who I could personally relate to and Becky is just that for me! She is the very best 1:1 Diet consultant and has helped me so much with my weight loss journey! She checked in with me almost everyday and helped me on days when I was struggling. She’s very friendly, attentive and polite and I was able to approach her with any questions or concerns I had. I have now reached my goal of 2 stone and I’m absolutely thrilled with the results! All thanks to Becky, she was absolutely amazing throughout the whole process. If anyone is looking for a consultant to start the 1:1 Diet I would highly recommend Becky.
Rebecca Yeomans
Yasmin Razaq
a year ago
Absolutely loving my weight loss journey so far, all thanks to Becky. She is an amazing consultant, the support is fantastic and she responds very quickly to clients. I have lost my first stone and really motivated to achieve my goal weight. Thank you for keeping me on track Becks your doing a fab job 😘
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Rebecca Yeomans's customers had a positive experience.

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Rebecca Yeomans

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About Rebecca Yeomans

Weight Loss Centres

I am a 1:1 diet consultant by Cambridge Weight Plan. I offer 1:1 consultations and will be your personal private cheerleader to help you shed any excess weight privately and confidentially.I lost 5 stone on this diet and have reaped the benefits that come with it. Having always been overweight I found this diet worked the best for me and inspired me to become a consultant to help other people on their journey too.This diet isn’t just meal replacement and milkshakes... did you know we have a 5 step plan? Ranging from three products only per day, or products combined with conventional food on a calorie controlled basis. All of our products are nutritionally balanced and complete.🌟 Remote consult & product drop off FREE OF CHARGE 🌟
