Atlanta, GA
Interior Designers
Pineapple House Interior Design

Pineapple House Interior Design Reviews Summary


Interior Designers | Atlanta, GA


3595 McCall Pl, Doraville, GA 30340, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Pineapple House Interior Design?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 13 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Pineapple House Interior Design's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Pineapple House Interior Design's customer reviews analysis

Evaluating the customer experience and reputation of Pineapple House Interior Design through recent reviews presents a mixed picture. The reviews reflect a positive sentiment regarding the quality of work and the company’s ability to exceed expectations in both service and design. Customers praise the team's willingness to work with existing pieces, their engagement in solving logistical issues, and their responsiveness to furniture or accessory problems even years later. A dedication to customer care and attention to detail, as suggested by Amber's personalized service, reinforces a strong reputation in the industry. However, a notable concern is the perceived exclusivity of the service with allegations of a lack of interest in potential clients who may not meet a certain threshold of 'high-end'. This concern is echoed by a customer who experienced delayed communication and perceived disinterest after expressing a willingness to engage Pineapple House Interior Design’s services.

Positive Feedback

Key positive feedback elements for Pineapple House Interior Design include high customer satisfaction with the company’s design work and service quality. Many clients have highlighted the team’s talent in understanding their vision, offering multiple design configurations, and being flexible with alternatives for fabrics and furniture. The company’s collaborative approach to integrate customers’ existing furniture to save costs is also commended, indicating a consideration for client budgets. The design team’s commitment, captured in phrases like 'goes above and beyond,' suggests that their care for customers' needs and concerns is a substantial contributing factor to their commendable industry reputation. Their problem-solving ability, especially in addressing issues that arise post-service, is highlighted, which speaks to the company's long-term commitment to client satisfaction.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the predominance of positive feedback, Pineapple House Interior Design has been criticized for an apparent selectivity in client engagement. There is a specific instance of inadequate communication as a customer recounted having to repeatedly initiate contact after requesting the company’s services. This experience, coupled with a sense of perceived disinterest from the firm and the suggestion that they prefer to work exclusively with high-end clientele, can be detrimental to the company’s reputation among a broader audience. Such feedback indicates potential issues with accessibility and inclusivity, which could impact the overall customer experience negatively for those who do not perceive themselves as high-end clients.

Frequently asked questions about Pineapple House Interior Design

Does Pineapple House Interior Design only work with high-end clients?

While some reviews may suggest a preference for high-end projects, Pineapple House Interior Design offers a range of services that can be tailored to different client needs and budgets. Prospective clients should discuss their specific requirements with the design team.

What kind of post-service support can I expect from Pineapple House Interior Design?

According to customer feedback, Pineapple House Interior Design is dedicated to resolving any issues with furniture, drapery, or accessories in a timely manner, and they provide support for problems that may arise even several years after the initial service.

How responsive is Pineapple House Interior Design to communication and project initiation?

Reviews have indicated that the responsiveness to client communication may vary. It is advisable to have a clear discussion about communication expectations and project timelines upfront to ensure a satisfactory experience.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Pineapple House Interior Design

Pineapple House Interior Design
Tanya Smittsendale
5 years ago
I had Zach and Amber, the owners, come to my home for a consultation. That very day I decided to move forward with their services and sent an email expressing my interest in moving forward. Didn’t hear back for a week, I had to contact them again and again. They seemed very disinterested in working with us. They seem to prefer working with only high end clients. What a shame. With their unprofessional attitudes, I would not recommend them.
Pineapple House Interior Design
Anne Smith
2 years ago
We completed a house renovation several years ago and could not be more pleased with the work Pineapple House Interior Design did. We live three hours away from Atlanta and it was worth the drive to have PH help us with our home after they came to see what was needed. In terms of decorating, the team was able to see our vision giving us many design configuration choices and were very willing to find alternative fabric or furniture choices if you were not satisfied. Moreover, I was very pleased in how they try to work with the pieces you have to save costs both in furniture and accessories. Beyond decorating, they were immensely helpful in solving logistical problems that our general contractor could not. Any issues we had with any furniture, drapery or accessories that were delivered was resolved in a timely manner and they fairly addressed any problems several years later. We cannot say enough good things about PH. They are relevant to today's decorating trends and you get so much more than just "buying" furniture. Service: Refurbishment
Pineapple House Interior Design
dsr leasing
3 years ago
Helped redesign architectural drawings for better flow and a few other items that weren’t expected of them. Strongly recommend them to anyone. Service: Refurbishment
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Pineapple House Interior Design's customers had a positive experience.

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Pineapple House Interior Design

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About Pineapple House Interior Design

Interior Designers

For 40+ years, Pineapple House has set the industry standards for innovative design, customer service, and project management. We are a full-service design firm that will see your project through from the beginning to the very end, handling every little detail along the way. Projects range from decorating, to renovations, to new construction, in locations worldwide.
