Phoenix, AZ
Pediatric Optometrists
Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center

Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center Reviews Summary


Pediatric Optometrists | Phoenix, AZ


3404 W Cheryl Dr #180, Phoenix, AZ 85051, United States

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 184 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 16, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Neha Amin, OD, as seen through the latest reviews, appears very positive. Customers consistently praise Dr. Amin for being professional, personable, and thorough. The ability to explain medical conditions and treatments in an easy-to-understand manner is frequently highlighted, indicating an emphasis on patient education and communication. Moreover, the longevity of the patient-doctor relationships reported in several reviews suggests a high level of trust and satisfaction with Dr. Amin's care. The staff is described as friendly and helpful, reinforcing a positive overall customer experience. Feedback implies that the clinic, perhaps referenced as Advanced Vision Center, offers specialized services such as vision therapy, which had notably positive impacts on patients' lives. These elements collectively suggest that the practice provides quality care and fosters a welcoming and informative environment, which is crucial in the healthcare sector.

Positive Feedback

Key positive aspects of customer feedback about Neha Amin, OD, and her practice are centered around personal interactions and professional expertise. Dr. Amin is repeatedly commended for her kind and thoughtful approach, making patients feel at ease and exhibiting a fun and calming personality. Her professional attributes shine through with references to her knowledge, expertise, and the thoroughness of her work. The capacity to explain complex information in a layperson-friendly manner is particularly lauded, which enhances patients' understanding and comfort. Patients also express a strong sense of trust in Dr. Amin's care and recommendations, further evidenced by the longstanding patient relationships some reviewers mention. The staff's friendliness and helpfulness contribute to a supportive and comfortable environment. Additionally, the successful outcomes of specialized treatments like vision therapy and the patient education on conditions like macular degeneration also stand out as significant positive experiences.

Concerns and Threads

Based on the reviews provided, there are no explicit negative aspects mentioned concerning the customer experiences with Neha Amin, OD, or her practice. All reviews portray a high level of satisfaction with both the optometrist and the support staff. Without the presence of any negative reviews, it is not possible to present any specific areas of concern or criticism that might be relevant to prospective patients. It's important to note that the lack of negative feedback in the selection presented might not represent the experiences of all patients but does suggest an overwhelmingly positive reputation.

Frequently asked questions about Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center

What kind of services does Dr. Amin's practice offer?

Dr. Amin's practice, which may be referred to as Advanced Vision Center in some reviews, offers comprehensive eye care services. This includes vision therapy, which has been particularly beneficial to patients with vision tracking issues. The practice also provides educational information on various eye conditions, such as macular degeneration.

How does Dr. Amin approach patient care?

Dr. Amin is praised for her personable and professional approach. She has a reputation for making patients feel at ease, explaining conditions and treatments in easy-to-understand terms, and being thorough in her examinations and patient education.

Is the staff at Dr. Amin's practice accommodating and helpful?

Yes, the reviews consistently highlight the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff at Dr. Amin's practice. They contribute positively to the overall patient experience by providing a supportive and comfortable environment.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center

Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center
Danna Brooks
5 months ago
Dr. Amin was thorough and personable. She made my husband feel at ease and thoroughly explained everything so he could understand. We would definitely recommend her office for vision therapy.
Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center
mary henry
3 months ago
Dr. Amin is professional, personable, and explains everything in a way that's easy to understand. I am always impressed with her knowledge and expertise and appreciate her kind and thoughtful manner.
Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center
3 months ago
Dr Amin is friendly, makes patients feel comfortable, explains things in easy to understand terms while always focused on helping the patient achieve the best results! Thank Dr Amin & friendly helpful Staff!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center's customers had a positive experience.

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Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center

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About Neha Amin, Od, Faao - Advanced Vision & Achievement Center

Pediatric Optometrists