Jose Fernandez

Jose Fernandez Reviews Summary


Osteopath | Manchester


6 Mount St, Manchester M2 5NS

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Jose Fernandez?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 57 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Jose Fernandez's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 13, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Jose Fernandez's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy, and specifically practitioner Jose, appears to be overwhelmingly positive according to recent reviews. The accumulation of feedback suggests a high level of satisfaction among clients who credit Jose with substantial improvements in their musculoskeletal issues. A common thread is Jose's ability to identify the root causes of pain and prescribe effective, personalized rehabilitation exercises. Notably, his approach is described as holistic, detailed, and targeted, with a focus not only on treatment but also on prevention. The duration and thoroughness of sessions, along with post-treatment care such as exercise recommendations, are frequently mentioned as distinguishing features of his service. However, a singular negative account exists wherein the client reported an exacerbation of pain and worsening of condition post-treatment, which contrasts sharply with the otherwise positive narratives and may point to a potential area of concern.

Positive Feedback

Evaluating the positive aspects of customer feedback for Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy reveals several key themes. First, Jose is consistently praised for his extensive knowledge and professionalism. Clients find the personalized care plans and rehabilitative exercises provided to be instrumental in their recovery process. His treatments are often described as precise, allowing clients to achieve substantial relief from chronic issues and improvements in overall well-being. The commitment to ongoing care, including monthly check-ups and proactive prevention strategies, is also noted favorably. Furthermore, Jose's friendly and compassionate demeanor fosters trust and comfort among clients, reinforcing the high standard of care delivered.

Concerns and Threads

Despite the plethora of commendations, there is a note of dissent in the customer feedback for Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy. A lone client recounts a negative experience of increased pain and disability following treatment, contrasting the practice's otherwise stellar evaluations. This singular report of an adverse outcome suggests a disparity in client experiences, potentially attributed to an overly hasty assessment or a unique reaction to the treatment protocols administered. It underscores the importance of customized care and highlights the inherent variability in therapeutic responses, stressing the necessity for practitioners to maintain vigilance in monitoring patient reactions to treatment.

Frequently asked questions about Jose Fernandez

What kind of issues can Jose at Central Manchester Osteopathy & Sports Therapy help with?

Jose is reported to effectively address a wide range of musculoskeletal problems, including chronic back pain, postural issues, sports injuries, and complications from long-term conditions such as hernias. He assesses and treats these issues using a holistic, personalized approach that includes manual adjustments, exercises, and preventive care.

What can I expect from a treatment session with Jose?

Reviewers mention thorough assessments and detailed, targeted treatments lasting over 45 minutes. Jose's approach is not only about immediate relief but also focuses on long-term rehabilitation and includes post-treatment recommendations for exercises and monthly check-ups.

Are there any negative outcomes I should be aware of before seeking treatment?

While overwhelmingly positive feedback dominates, an isolated experience highlights the potential for an increase in pain following treatment. It is essential for new clients to discuss any concerns and to ensure that the treatment plan is tailored to their individual needs to minimize such risks.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Jose Fernandez

Jose Fernandez
3 months ago
I have been to Jose for about 7 session now. After many years of working highly laborious jobs including kitchen portering, being bent over a sink for 12 plus hours a day, bad posture, and being far too greedy with plates in the gym. Jose has helped me beyond what I thought was possible. I have been to 14 different Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths. All of whom have brought relief and helped, however I feel that Jose has given me the key to fixing myself. On my first visit he thoroughly assessed me and gave me an adjustment which was highly detailed and precise. He asked me to get a piece of equipment to help with a particular exercise for my rehabilitation. I procrastinated getting the piece of equipment due to finances at the time. I recently purchased the relatively cheap item (under £20) and I have started to recover from a situation, in which to be perfectly honest I felt was a lost cause. Jose has a wealth of knowledge in his profession, and combined with his highly professional yet friendly manner I think anyone would be highly fortunate to have him as their Osteopath. I know I have found mine. In a nutshell, if you having a musculoskeletal problem and are looking for help, don't delay, go see Jose.
Jose Fernandez
Josephine Morton
2 weeks ago
I can't recommend Jose enough. After having a baby I was left with reoccurring back pain that just wouldn't go away. Jose not only got to the root of why I kept getting the pain but he then equipped me with the exercises needed to rehabilitate myself and fix the underlying issue.
Jose Fernandez
Joan Beresford
2 months ago
I have been seeing Jose on and off for many years for lower back pain which needs occasional tweaking. My partner also sees him at least once a month for a chronic long term condition. Jose has always been friendly and approachable. He is very knowledgeable and skilled in his profession. We cannot rate him highly enough and have recommended him to friends and family.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Jose Fernandez's customers had a positive experience.

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