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Housing Units Reviews Summary


Furniture Shops | Manchester


Wickentree Ln, Failsworth, Manchester M35 9BA

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Housing Units?

As of Mar 26, 2024, 1052 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Housing Units's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
March 26, 2024
Last updated
March 26, 2024

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Housing Units's customer reviews analysis

The overall reputation of Housing Units based on recent reviews suggests a mixed customer experience. While a number of clients report satisfaction with product offerings, effective delivery services, and friendly staff, there are noteworthy instances of dissatisfaction lodged against the after-sales service and issue resolution. Positive reviews often praise the quality of furniture, the courtesy of delivery teams, and the in-store experience which includes amenities such as the on-site cafe. However, recurring critical feedback includes delivery of damaged goods, inadequate customer service responses, and incompetence in ensuring product suitability and fit. The feedback trend indicates that while Housing Units excels in initial customer engagement and product variety, there is a significant gap in its after-sales support and problem-solving capabilities.

Positive Feedback

Positive aspects from Housing Units' customer feedback highlight the quality and beauty of their furniture products, prompt and professional delivery service, and the in-store experience. Customers expressed appreciation for the helpful staff, the extensive range of products displayed, the competitive pricing, as well as the ambiance of the store, which often includes a cafe for patrons’ enjoyment. The convenience of the ordering process and the company’s willingness to accommodate customer needs, such as honoring a discounted price post-sale and careful handling of products to avoid damage to customer property during delivery, are especially commended.

Concerns and Threads

Negative feedback for Housing Units primarily focuses on the after-sales experience and logistics. Discontent arises from receiving damaged goods and an unaccommodating customer service team when seeking resolution. There are reports of unsympathetic responses from staff, delivery personnel causing damage to customer property, and a perceived lack of accountability in rectifying issues. Additional criticisms include failure to meet delivery expectations and staff incompetence, particularly regarding product fit assurance. These factors culminate in frustration and inconvenience for customers, detracting from the company's overall reputation.

Frequently asked questions about Housing Units

What should I expect in terms of delivery service from Housing Units?

Based on customer reviews, you can generally expect reliable and courteous delivery service. Most items are delivered on schedule, with delivery teams often praised for their professionalism. However, there have been occurrences of property damage during delivery, so it's advisable to discuss protective measures with the company in advance.

How does Housing Units handle after-sale issues and customer complaints?

Customers’ experiences with after-sales service have been mixed. While the company might offer resolutions like sending an engineer to fix issues, some customers have found the process inconvenient and the staff unhelpful. For severe concerns, you may need to escalate the issue to a higher level, such as the Furniture Ombudsman.

Can I rely on Housing Units’ staff for accurate information regarding product fit in my home?

While Housing Units offers services like access checks to ensure product fit, there have been reports of inaccuracies and assurances that did not hold up at the time of delivery. It is recommended to double-check measurements yourself or seek a second opinion to prevent such issues.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Housing Units

Housing Units
Janet Potter
a week ago
Bought dining table and chairs. Delivered on the day by great delivery team on the day and time agreed. Set up the table and it is beautiful. Very pleased with the service and quality overall.
Housing Units
Mohammed Chaudhry
3 months ago
At beginning this place seems lovely the staff at the showroom seem nice. However the after sales customer service is shocking. I ordered bedroom furniture costing over 5K. I had it delivered and every piece of the furniture had defect's/marks on. The delivery drivers had damaged my property. I called the customer service they advised me to email everything which I did. As a result of this I received a phone call from a representative who was unhelpful. He insisted of an engineer to come and rectify the issue. The engineer couldn’t resolve this causing me inconvenience. Very bad customer service I am in the process of complaint to Furniture Ombudsman.
Housing Units
Nicola Saunders
10 months ago
We had a 2 hour journey to visit Housing Units just to look at some dining chairs. Wasn’t expecting it to be such a great place, with really friendly and helpful staff. Bought the chairs plus an unusual candle holder and had an enjoyable snack in the cafe before we left. Delivery was quick (within a few days) and all items packaged really well. It was well worth the long drive and we are very happy with our purchase.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Housing Units's customers had a positive experience.

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About Housing Units

Furniture Shops
Specialist store with furnishings for bedrooms, kitchens & living rooms, plus accessories.