Financial Services
Holder & Combes

Holder & Combes Reviews Summary


Financial Services | London


20 Little Britain, London EC1A 7DH

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Holder & Combes?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 43 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.7 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Holder & Combes's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 8, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Holder & Combes's customer reviews analysis

Holder and Combes appears to have cultivated a strong reputation for providing personalized financial advice and services. Reviews consistently praise the tailored approach to individual financial situations, demonstrating that the company excels in creating clear and realistic plans for their clients. The advisors, principally cited as Scott, Nick, Justin, and Ed, are repeatedly commended for their professionalism, expertise, and patient demeanor. Visual aids and color-coded slides to assist in the understanding of complex information indicate an attentiveness to various client learning styles. It is also clear that timely and responsive communication is a significant aspect of the customer experience, with clients feeling reassured and empowered in their financial decision-making. Trust and long-term satisfaction emerge as recurring themes, with mentions of clients using their services for substantial periods and the company's ability to manage expectations effectively. The company's expertise extends to intricate cases, such as complex remortgages and investment management, reflecting its high-level proficiency in diverse financial scenarios.

Positive Feedback

The key positive aspects evident from the customer feedback include Holder and Combes' ability to provide highly personalized and well-structured financial plans that cater specifically to individual client needs. The financial advisors are described as not only professional, precise, and skilled but also attentive and empowering, which contributes to a sense of trust and comfort for clients. Clients appreciate the services offered, ranging from pension and savings products to sophisticated investment portfolios and remortgaging solutions. The effort to ensure clients understand their financial plans is also commended, showing an emphasis on clear communication and education. The team's patience and responsiveness in answering queries, along with their hands-on approach, adds to the firm's positive portrayal. Long-term engagement with the company by several clients speaks to Holder and Combes' ability to create lasting customer satisfaction and maintain a positive company reputation over extended periods.

Concerns and Threads

While the reviews provided do not explicitly highlight significant negative aspects, it is implicit that the high degree of personalization and attention may set client expectations for consistent, high-quality experiences. Any potential discrepancies in service levels or communication could lead to dissatisfaction. Additionally, while the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, they come from a self-selecting group of satisfied customers. Those who may have had less than optimal experiences might not be represented in this set. Moreover, the firm's apparent focus on sophisticated and personalized financial planning might pose challenges for scaling their services or catering to clients with more straightforward financial needs without sacrificing the level of personal attention remarked upon favorably in the reviews.

Frequently asked questions about Holder & Combes

How does Holder and Combes tailor their financial plans to individual needs?

Holder and Combes take the time to understand each client's unique financial priorities and create clear, realistic plans that align with their goals and risk tolerance. They use tools such as color-coded slides to assist clients in understanding their options, ensuring the financial advice provided is both personal and comprehensible.

Can Holder and Combes handle complex financial situations like remortgaging?

Yes, Holder and Combes are adept at managing complex financial scenarios including intricate remortgages, demonstrating their expertise in navigating adverse market conditions and delivering satisfactory outcomes that align with client requirements.

Are the financial advisors at Holder and Combes responsive and easy to communicate with?

The financial advisors at Holder and Combes are noted for their responsiveness and clear communication. Clients feel comfortable asking questions and are reassured by the prompt and understandable advice provided, indicating strong communication as a cornerstone of their service.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Holder & Combes

Holder & Combes
Amanda Shribman
6 months ago
I have been very pleased to have been recommended to Holder & Combes. My first meeting with Scott, he put me at ease and I certainly feel more empowered and informed regarding my future pension situation and my options for better investing! Ben, their accountant has been very helpful too.
Holder & Combes
Sandra Crossley
6 months ago
Having decided we needed professional advice to find the best path for a secure retirement we contacted Scott. He carefully listened to all our future plans and from a multitude (muddle!) of ‘possibilities’ he created three clear and realistic plans that were all easy to follow. Being a visual learner I found his colour coded slides really helpful when discussing each plan, and every question had a thoughtful answer that managed our expectations. Having taken all his advice we now feel we have a sensible plan that fits with our needs, and has given us the peace of mind we were looking for.
Holder & Combes
gab frediani
6 months ago
I deal with Nick Combes and despite probably being his worst customer he makes me feel like number 1! Professional, precise, skilled and attentive. Perfect. Justin Al-Kaisy has just helped us with an extremely complex re-mortgage and despite very adverse market conditions has delivered both on time and in line with requirements. Expertise at its highest. Very very easy recommendation!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Holder & Combes's customers had a positive experience.

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About Holder & Combes

Financial Services

We are a financial planning firm determined to help our clients find the very best solutions. We advise on tax, investments, pensions as well as mortgages and insurance where required.
