New York, NY
Yoga Studios
Dharma Yoga Center

Dharma Yoga Center Reviews Summary


Yoga Studios | New York, NY

46 W 24th St Lobby, New York, NY 10010, United States

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What do customers say about Dharma Yoga Center?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 47 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Dharma Yoga Center's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

About this report

This report was produced by Trustguide on Mar 13, 2024, based on a randomly selected set of publicly available reviews, sorted by relevance. Trustguide uses Natural Language Processing to analyze the data set and produces unbiased and objective review summaries. See source

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Published on
January 12, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Dharma Yoga Center's customers had a positive experience.

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Dharma Yoga Center's customer reviews analysis

The Dharma Yoga Center in NYC garners mixed reviews that reflect varied customer experiences, which ultimately affect its overall reputation. While some students praise the center for its knowledgeable staff and the transformative nature of their teacher trainings, others have reported issues with customer service and the handling of private sessions. Miscommunications regarding scheduling and financial matters have resulted in dissatisfaction for some customers. This could indicate a discrepancy between the center's operational management and its instructional excellence. The advanced nature of certain classes, notably those led by Dharma Mittra, is appreciated by some attendees for its intensity and authenticity. However, it simultaneously alienates others who may feel excluded due to physical limitations, discomfort with the class environment, or teaching methods that appear insensitive to individual needs. The center's focus on a holistic approach to yoga that includes meditation and lifestyle is consistently recognized as a positive attribute, and the sense of community is frequently highlighted in favorable reviews.

Positive Feedback

Positive feedback for the Dharma Yoga Center is centered around the quality of instruction and the transformative nature of the yoga practice offered. Students have lauded the center for not over-emphasizing the physical aspect of yoga, but rather integrating meditation, breathing, and lifestyle teachings into their programs. The advanced classes, particularly those led by Dharma Mittra, are recognized for their intensity and ability to push students in their practice. Many reviewers have also remarked on the warm and welcoming nature of the facility and the people who run it, often describing the studio as an inviting, non-competitive, and calming 'yoga oasis' within the bustling city. Several attendees have expressed appreciation for the community aspect of the center and the opportunity to participate in teacher trainings that provide deep insights into the eight limbs of yoga.

Concerns and Threads

Several negative aspects have been noted in customer feedback for the Dharma Yoga Center. A considerable issue is the customer service experience, especially regarding the handling of private session arrangements and communication with management on financial and scheduling matters. One reviewer detailed an unsatisfactory interaction with the director and a lack of prior notification about changes to their private session, which led to frustration and requests for refunds. Another customer reported discomfort with the teaching style, unforeseen physical adjustments, and the distraction of being filmed during class without consent. These incidents suggest that while the yoga instruction might be renowned, the administrative aspects and sensitivity to individual student needs during classes could benefit from improvement to ensure a consistently positive experience for all attendees.

Frequently asked questions about Dharma Yoga Center


Are Dharma Yoga Center's classes suitable for beginners?


The Dharma Yoga Center offers a variety of classes, including some that are more suitable for advanced practitioners. While some classes are vigorous and demanding, the center also schedules gentler options that could be more appropriate for beginners. Prospective students should carefully review the class descriptions or contact the center to find a class that matches their skill level and comfort.


Does the Dharma Yoga Center offer teacher training programs?


Yes, the Dharma Yoga Center offers comprehensive teacher training programs at multiple levels, including 200, 500, and even 700-hour courses. These programs are noted for their depth, focusing on all eight limbs of yoga and led by experienced staff and Dharma Mittra himself.


Can I participate in classes at the Dharma Yoga Center if I am visiting from out of town?


Yes, visitors are welcome at the Dharma Yoga Center. Many out-of-town students have enjoyed participating in classes during their visits to New York. The center also offers online classes, which can be a convenient option for those who cannot attend in person.


Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Dharma Yoga Center

Dharma Yoga Center
Emil Cheung 華弟
9 months ago
I couldn't make to any of the Dharma's class because my appointments crashed with his schedule. So I arranged a private yoga session with their instructor Azusa, which she took good care of me and taught me well. Ive exchanged more than 10 emails with front desk and the director of Dharma Yoga weeks ago before I came visit about having the private yoga session. After the class they suddenly cut it short from 90 mins to 60 mins and blamed it on the teacher and said she had engagement. They didnt notify me before class so I asked for a refund nicely and they said 60 min private and 90 private would charge the same. I had a call with the director directly and she wasn't too nice and responded with what would you want us to charge, I asked how much you want to charge? she said whatever you want without apologizing. I am sure many students would come because of dharma, but i strongly recommend anyone not to private class there because of the poor customer service. This is the worst experience I have ever had since practicing Yoga.
Dharma Yoga Center
Della Wheeler
2 months ago
I’d like to preface this review by saying it will be based on my opinion and preference. I’ve been practicing yoga for 13 years and have studied and taught the practice for 7 of those years. I hope it will be helpful for some. When looking for studios in NYC, I was recommended the Dharma Center by several peers. While in town, I visited the center and had a class with Dharma Mittra. It was easy to sign up for the class online and we were greeted very sweetly by the front desk staff. They made us feel welcome and showed us around the studio. I was grateful for that since it was my first time. Upon walking into the class, I realized it would be a different experience than I’m used to. Before class, students were filming Dharma, taking photos of him, and practicing physically advanced asanas chaotically throughout the room. I felt more assured after an introduction from Dharma with lots of thought provoking spiritual ideas and practices. But once the class started I realized I was out of my element. The Saturday morning class is definitely for physically advanced practitioners. It was a choppy sequence of incredibly intense and quick moving vinyasas, balancing postures, and back bends. Students who were hyper flexible folded into the poses while the rest struggled to unsafely follow. Dharma regularly used the phrase “if you’re flexible” and pointed to students who were exhibiting the ‘perfect’ alignment. It was certainly not a class for everyone but for the few ‘fit and flexible.’ We were being taught in a way that implied you’ll only be able to do a certain posture in a certain way if you practice more; completely disregarding the idea that someone could have an injury or other limitations. At one point during class, I was prompted by the instructor to change my alignment in lizard (a deep hip opener). Without asking, he pushed my low back aggressively towards the floor and said, “keep striving.” I have a very sensitive low back due to long-term injury and this was traumatizing to say the least. A few times during class, folks stopped to film his demonstrations but they were also panning the camera across the room to record other students in the class. This made me uncomfortable and took me out of what little meditation I could find. This was a fascinating experience. A few times during class I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to roll up my mat and leave. I’m sure there is plenty of Dharma’s teachings that I’m missing or that I’m ignorant to. It’s clear he’s doing important work and his message and style resonates with a big group of people. I’m just not one of them. I saw that there are gentler options on the schedule. In hindsight, I would have opted for one of those.
Dharma Yoga Center
Melissa Mellen
a year ago
I have been a student of the Dharma Yoga Center for over 3 years now and have taken three teacher trainings with them (200, 500, and 700 hour). I absolutely love that Dharma Yoga is not overly focused on physical practices but truly nurtures and teaches other facets of yoga that are equally important, such as meditation, and breathing. lifestyle. The teachers and staff are passionate the community and always a pleasure to communicate with. I highly recommend the Dharma Yoga Center to all, beginner, and advanced students.
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About Dharma Yoga Center

Yoga Studios

Established facility offering a variety of yoga classes & workshops for all experience levels.
