Weight Loss Centres
Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist

Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist Reviews Summary


Weight Loss Centres | London


23 Harley St, London W1G 9QN

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 70 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
January 16, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist's customer reviews analysis

The reviews for Carolina Capellari Simon Harley Street Nutritionist & Weight Loss indicate a highly positive reputation, with multiple customers expressing satisfaction with the personalized service and effective results. Consistently, clients appreciate the tailored nutritional plans, Carolina's deep understanding of individual dietary needs, and her professional yet empathetic approach. The emphasis on maintaining a balanced diet without foregoing favorite foods and the incorporation of cultural and emotional dimensions of eating into her consultations are recurrent themes. Customers also value the education on proper eating habits and the consequent effects on their health and well-being, reporting significant weight loss, improved health markers, and better overall lifestyles. The feedback underscores a customer experience that is supportive, adaptable to personal preferences and routines, and conducive to long-term health improvements.

Positive Feedback

Customers speak very highly of Carolina Capellari Simon, emphasizing her expertise in crafting individualized nutrition plans that accommodate specific dietary preferences, such as vegetarianism. They laud her ability to foster consistent weight management, positive mindset, and dietary discipline. Her methodical approach to understanding each client's routine and food preferences, coupled with regular follow-ups, is credited for their success in achieving targeted health goals. Many clients underscored the ease of following the designed meal plans and the flexibility to enjoy their favorite foods, which has led to significant weight loss and improved health indicators without feeling deprived. The positive transformation in customers’ relationships with food and the educated, balanced approach to diet without resorting to extreme restrictions are highlighted as key benefits of her service.

Concerns and Threads

The reviews provided do not contain substantive negative aspects of customer feedback, which suggests that Carolina Capellari Simon's service is highly regarded among her clients. The absence of any expressed dissatisfaction highlights the effectiveness of her nutritional guidance and the value customers find in her consultation. Therefore, any analysis based solely on the given data cannot accurately represent any negative elements of the customer experience. It should be noted that a lack of negative feedback in the provided dataset may not fully encompass all customer experiences and that issues could exist that are not represented here.

Frequently asked questions about Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist

Can Carolina Capellari Simon accommodate special dietary needs, such as vegetarian diets?

Yes, Carolina is proficient at tailoring her nutritional plans to accommodate special dietary needs, including vegetarian diets, and aligns the meal plans with the client's lifestyle and time constraints.

Is there a possibility to eat favorite foods while following Carolina's nutrition plan?

Carolina designs her meal plans to be balanced and realistic, allowing for the inclusion of favorite foods. The approach she takes educates clients on the right times and portions to enjoy their preferred meals without compromising their health and weight loss goals.

Does Carolina provide support and follow-up after the initial consultation?

Yes, clients have reported that Carolina follows up on their progress, helps tackle any difficulties they might encounter, and remains supportive throughout their health and nutrition journey.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist

Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist
3 months ago
I’ve been working with Carolina for about 1+ years. She helped me keep my weight consistent, my mindset positive & my discipline on point. I have been under his plan regularly and have always had great success. Nutrition plan and their encouragement to achieve my goals was the key to getting results. Highly recommend Carolina Capellari Simon to help you reach your goals!! Thank you!
Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist
Cintia Coutinho
2 years ago
Carolina is an amazing and knowledgeable professional. She has helped me to achieve a balanced diet after pregnancy. She patiently listened to all my needs (which includes a vegetarian diet and not much time to spend preparing a meal). Would definitely recommend her services.
Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist
Nathalia Tessarolo
3 years ago
Highly recommended, excellent professional. My consultation was great, really helpful! During the consultation, she asked many questions to understand my routine, things I am used to eat, and what I would like to achieve. I am very satisfied, not only with the weight loss, but also on how she showed me the importance of having all the nutrients in my daily meals! She is very friendly and cares for her patients. She follows up on how you are progressing and to understand if you had any difficulties. She gave me ideas of meals she cooks at home! In my meal plan, she added one meal where I can eat whatever I want, which is also very helpful! keep the great work Carol!
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist's customers had a positive experience.

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Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist

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About Carolina Capellari Simon Nutritionist

Weight Loss Centres

With 13 years of clinical practice, providing scientific evidence-based and individualised nutritional advice to my clients, I served as a dietitian (Hospital de Clínicas - Joint Commission International Accredited hospital - Brazil) with intensive care patients in the departments of Paediatrics and Obstetrics, developing my expertise and an impeccable reputation. In London I became a reference in Nutrition working with Brazilian, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian community.I have helped hundreds of patients working in Brazil and UK.
