San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Acupuncture Group

San Francisco Acupuncture Group Reviews Summary


Acupuncture | San Francisco, CA


220 Bush St 450 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, United States

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about San Francisco Acupuncture Group?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 20 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of San Francisco Acupuncture Group's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 25, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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San Francisco Acupuncture Group's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of San Francisco Acupuncture Group, as gleaned from the latest reviews, is exceptionally positive. The practitioners, particularly Jeannie and Jonah, receive high praise for their expertise in both traditional and innovative acupuncture techniques. Customers appreciate the personalized care, describing their experiences as life-changing, particularly in the context of chronic pain management. The practitioners' holistic approaches, which include lifestyle and dietary recommendations, are mentioned as pivotal factors in their successful outcomes. A recurring theme is the emphasis on patient-practitioner trust, with frequent mentions of the providers' patience, flexibility, and willingness to listen and follow up with their patients. Despite the intimations of discomfort associated with certain treatments, such as trigger point therapy, the consensus indicates that the benefits substantially outweigh any short-term discomfort.

Positive Feedback

Positive aspects noted by customers of San Francisco Acupuncture Group include the depth of knowledge and expertise of the practitioners, especially in treating complex issues like chronic pain and women's health. Personalized and compassionate care is consistently highlighted across reviews, suggesting that the Group has cultivated a strong, patient-centered approach. The ability to blend Eastern and Western medicine effectively signifies a comprehensive treatment strategy, resonating well with clients. The practitioners' follow-up and genuine concern for patient welfare contribute to a sense of partnership in health management. The tangible outcomes, such as reduced pain and improved mobility, coupled with the emotional support provided, serve as significant positive feedback from clients.

Concerns and Threads

In the provided reviews, direct negative customer feedback for San Francisco Acupuncture Group is virtually nonexistent. While the overall sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, there is an implication that treatments such as trigger point therapy or dry needling can be painful and may require recovery time, with varying levels of discomfort during and after sessions. These experiences of transient pain, however, are presented as part and parcel of effective treatment and are not depicted as deterrents. Instead, they are overshadowed by the positive outcomes. Therefore, while one might infer that the intensity of certain treatments could be seen as a negative by some, reviewers characterize these aspects as necessary steps towards healing.

Frequently asked questions about San Francisco Acupuncture Group

What types of health issues does San Francisco Acupuncture Group specialize in treating?

San Francisco Acupuncture Group specializes in a variety of health issues, with particular emphasis on chronic pain management, women's health, and menopause. Their practitioners are also skilled in blending Eastern and Western medical approaches to provide comprehensive care.

Can I expect immediate relief from my symptoms after visiting San Francisco Acupuncture Group?

The impact of the treatment varies by individual, but many reviewers have reported significant pain relief and improved mobility even after a single session. However, some treatments, such as trigger point therapy, may require a short recovery period before the effects are fully felt.

Are the treatments at San Francisco Acupuncture Group painful?

Some treatments, particularly trigger point therapy, can be associated with discomfort and may require some recovery time. Nevertheless, this discomfort is typically viewed by clients as a necessary aspect of the healing process, and many report that the long-term benefits significantly outweigh the short-term pain.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for San Francisco Acupuncture Group

San Francisco Acupuncture Group
Heather Corcoran
a week ago
Jeannie is a trusted health partner to me. She is deeply knowledgeable and thoughtful about women's health and menopause. I have so appreciated how patient and flexible she has been with me and how she has customized her multi-layered responses to my health questions and goals. She brings a wealth of connections and resources which have made working towards those goals easier. In a space where it can be hard to find someone you can really trust, Jeannie stands out as an exceptional practionner.
San Francisco Acupuncture Group
emily li
a week ago
Jeannie is an exceptional acupuncturist who provides personalized and compassionate care, and has helped me address my health concerns I wasn't able to resolve by just going through traditional doctors. Her holistic approach and genuine care made it feel like she was on my team, and her frequent follow up and check ins really made a difference in my health.
San Francisco Acupuncture Group
2 months ago
I’ve been seeing Franco for years and he’s a true miracle worker. He’s helped heal my shoulder and hip pain after years of heavy weight lifting. He is one of the only practitioners I’ve met and experienced that can provide the highest standard of care from both eastern and western modalities, while bringing his own present wisdom and intuition which I’ve found to be so consistently on point. His acupuncture and pain training and credentials are unparalleled, yet it hasn’t created the mind veil that I’ve seen with many healthcare providers, preventing them from showing up with presence for each patient and their unique, complex needs. Pain is a multifaceted issue, best addressed with a holistic approach. Franco will address the acute pain, then suggest lifestyle and psychological shifts to support lasting healing.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of San Francisco Acupuncture Group's customers had a positive experience.

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San Francisco Acupuncture Group

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About San Francisco Acupuncture Group


Pain and dry needling specialists.
