Houston, TX
Financial Services
Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors

Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors Reviews Summary


Financial Services | Houston, TX


4400 Post Oak Pkwy STE 200, Houston, TX 77027, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 14 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 17, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors's customer reviews analysis

The overall company reputation of Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors, based on the customer reviews provided, appears to be highly positive. Clients have praised the company's attention to detail, commitment to financial stability for clients and their families, and the knowledge and expertise possessed by its staff and advisors. Notable comments frequently mention the tailored services to meet personal financial goals and the professional and timely interactions, as well as the sense of trust and comfort clients gain from working with Financial Synergies. However, there was an isolated incident involving a client's interaction with a staff member perceived as condescending, which had a negative impact on that customer's view of the company. This suggests that while the company generally maintains a high standard of service, customer experience at the initial point of contact may need improvement to maintain consistency in the firm’s customer relations.

Positive Feedback

The key positive aspects gleaned from the customer feedback for Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors are their strong client relationships and expert financial guidance. Clients highly commend the advisors for their ability to create a clear path to financial stability and for their dedication to clients' present and future financial needs. Reviewers such as Mike Minter are thanked for their educational approach and reassurance provided to the clients. Additionally, clients feel that the company’s team has their best interests in mind, a factor that imbues a sense of trust in the services provided. Furthermore, despite geographical distance, clients express contentment and a feeling of proximity in the services rendered, hinting at the excellence of their remote client service model.

Concerns and Threads

As for the negatives, the primary criticism identified from the data involves customer service at the first point of contact. One review cited an encounter with a staff member who was described as sounding juvenile and behaving condescendingly. This experience has resulted in the loss of trust in the company's ability to treat customers respectfully, suggesting that how initial inquiries are handled is critical to the company's reputation. Although this appears to be an isolated incident, it underscores the importance of ensuring all staff maintain a high level of professionalism and courtesy.

Frequently asked questions about Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors

What differentiates Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors from other financial advisors?

According to client testimonials, Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors is distinguished by its personalized service, commitment to clients’ long-term financial stability, and the extensive knowledge and expertise of its staff and advisors. Clients feel that their personal financial goals are prioritized, and there is a strong trust in the advisors’ professionalism.

Can I expect efficient communication and attention to my needs with Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors?

Based on customer feedback, the company is noted for professional and timely interactions with clients, and a focus on personal financial goals. Clients report a sense of reassurance and comfort knowing their financial interests are being carefully managed. However, potential clients should note the importance of first impressions and clarify their expectations for customer service.

Is Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors suitable for someone living outside of their immediate geographic area?

Yes, Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors has received positive feedback from clients living outside their physical location. Customers have reported feeling as if the company is just 'down the street' despite geographic distances, indicating effective remote communication and service management.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors

Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors
Josh Means
4 years ago
My experience with Financial Synergies has been great over the past couple years. I've worked with several financial advisors in the past, and no one has done a better job at working with me and my family to ensure that we're on the right path. Highly recommend them!
Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors
4 years ago
Thank you to Mike Minter And the rest of the staffs at financial synergies for educating us and assisting us with our Financial stability for now and for our future and our children’s futures. Financial Synergies abundance of knowledge and expertise made us feel like they are focusing on us and they are committed to achieve and meet our financial goals. We highly recommend Financial Synergies to All. Again thank you Mike And everyone like Marie Heath Bryan Will and Mike
Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors
Michael Kuehnle
4 years ago
I highly recommend Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors. My interactions with the staff and Advisors is always handled professionally and timely. My wife and I find comfort knowing that the team at Financial Synergies have our best interest in mind.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors's customers had a positive experience.

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Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors

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About Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors

Financial Services

Financial Synergies Wealth Advisors is a fee-only financial advisor and wealth management firm in Houston, Texas. For over 35 years we’ve been serving the financial needs of individuals, families, and businesses from around the world.We are a fiduciary, meaning we are legally and ethically obligated to put our clients' interests ahead of our own. Which is exactly what we do.Our primary goal is to simplify your financial life. Our Certified Financial Planner™ professionals and advisors combine investment management and holistic financial planning to provide total wealth management for our clients. Together, we’ll construct a financial game plan and investment strategy to meet your goals, and give you greater confidence in your future.
