Miami, FL
Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group

Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group Reviews Summary


Psychologists | Miami, FL


2730 SW 3rd Ave #703, Miami, FL 33129, United States

Trustguide Rating

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What do customers say about Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 228 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 5 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 16, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group's customer reviews analysis

Overall, reviews for Dr. Gustavo Benejam indicate a highly positive reputation with an emphasis on several key qualities. Patients repeatedly mention his empathy, professionalism, and skill in mental health treatment and assessments, especially in urgent situations. The personal anecdotes shared by the reviewers consistently stress Dr. Benejam's caring nature and availability. A recurring theme is the ease with which patients feel in communicating with him, as well as his ability to make his patients feel respected and at ease. Thus, the customer experience with Dr. Benejam appears to be marked by a high degree of satisfaction, with patients feeling understood, swiftly assisted, and well cared for, which subsequently contributes to a commendable professional reputation.

Positive Feedback

Positive aspects of Dr. Benejam's practice, as drawn from customer feedback, include his exceptional empathy and understanding. Patients feel that he is not just effective in his role as a psychologist but also provides a comforting presence, making them feel at ease even during their challenging times. The speed and thoroughness with which he prepares necessary reports, such as those for immigration evaluations, is also highlighted as particularly exemplary. His ability to quickly identify and address psychological issues that other professionals may not have detected underscores his expertise and commitment to providing tailored care. Moreover, Dr. Benejam's fluency in Spanish expands his accessibility and adds to the personalized care he offers.

Concerns and Threads

While the provided customer reviews are overwhelmingly positive and any negative aspects are not explicitly detailed in their feedback, the absence of any critical remarks might be due to a selection bias in the sampled reviews. As this analysis is based solely on the positive remarks provided, it is not equipped to identify or present negative experiences that might be pertinent for potential clients seeking a holistic view of Dr. Benejam's practice. Moreover, the sheer positivity of all the reviews without an accompanying selection of any dissatisfied experiences may lead some skeptical readers to question the objectivity or the comprehensive nature of the feedback presented.

Frequently asked questions about Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group

What types of services does Dr. Benejam offer?

Dr. Benejam offers mental health treatment, counseling, psychological evaluations, immigration evaluations, and apparently is well-versed in dealing with cases of anxiety and despair.

Can Dr. Benejam provide reports quickly if needed?

Yes, several reviews mention Dr. Benejam's ability to deliver thorough and detailed reports promptly, meeting the time-sensitive needs of his patients.

Is Dr. Benejam able to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking patients?

Absolutely, a number of reviewers have expressed gratitude for Dr. Benejam's perfect Spanish, indicating that he is fully capable of providing services to Spanish-speaking patients.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group

Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group
Yudith Monsalve (Yasoda)
3 days ago
De. Benejam is a caring, experienced and excellent professional. He makes himself helpful and available to his patients. He helped one of my very close relatives start on a path to better mental health in a moments of high anxiety and despair. He also conducted an immigration evaluation, and produces the required report in a timely manner. I would recommend working with Dr. Benejam for counseling and mental health treatment.
Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group
Rossio Iacob
a month ago
I had an excellent experience with Dr. Benejam, he helped me with my mom’s case.From the beginning, he was so kind and helpful and during my dad’s evaluation, he made him feel very comfortable. I couldn’t be more grateful with him. Dr. Benejam is such an understanding and empathetic person. I would recommend him to anyone who needs the services of a very professional, respectful and knowledgeable psychologist.
Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group
Barbara Lewis
2 months ago
Dr. Benejam was very kind, soft spoken. You feel at ease corresponding with him, he seems genuine and caring. He's very thorough and he makes you feel respected. I most certainly will recommend him to anyone who might need his expertise. Thank you Doc.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group's customers had a positive experience.

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Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group

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About Dr. Gustavo Benejam, Psy.D - South Florida Psychology Group


Doctorate in Clinical Psychology & Master of Science in Psychology (from APA-approved C.Albizu Univ.), MBA (Indiana University), Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (UPR).Psychological Training at Univ. of Miami (Jackson Memorial Hospital) and Goodman Psychological Services Center. Division Award for Research & Scholarly Presentation, Research Poster, Research Group Facilitator, & seminars offered to UM Staff.Certified in EMDR, Trauma Resolution/PTSD, and Hypnosis, & trained in administration & interpretation of psychological instruments.Psychological evaluations: immigration cases (VAWA, Hardship, cancellation, U-Visa, Asylum), USA Citizenship requirements exemption (Form N-648), and Independent Medical Examination.
