Houston, TX
Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic

Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic Reviews Summary


Acupuncture | Houston, TX


1002 W 21st St, Houston, TX 77008, United States

Trustguide Rating

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This rating reflects Trustguide's opinion about the organization's customer feedback published on review platforms.

What do customers say about Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic?

As of Mar 13, 2024, 200 customers have reviewed this business and rated it 4.9 Star out of 5. Trustguide conducted an in-depth analysis of Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic's publicly available reviews, carefully extracting sentiment phrases to help users understand customer experiences.

This report was generated using data from publicly available review platforms. To learn more about verification and authentication of reviews, please visit the respective review platform. View source

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Published on
February 20, 2024
Last updated
March 13, 2024

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Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic's customer reviews analysis

Analyzing the provided customer reviews for Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic, the overall company reputation appears to be overwhelmingly positive. Clients have shared their personal success stories, particularly addressing fertility challenges, pregnancy assistance, and various pain alleviations. The practitioners, especially Steven and Reagan, are praised for their expertise, caring nature, and patient-centric approach. A strong theme of trust and effectiveness of the treatments provided recurrently emerges through the reviews. Patients reported not only improvement in their specific health concerns, such as back pain, infertility treatment, knee pain, and achieving a comfortable pregnancy, but also mentioned emotional support and positive experiences during their visits. The clinic's atmosphere is described as calming and inviting, which seems to complement the therapeutic process. These testimonials indicate a consistent trend of customer satisfaction and their willingness to recommend the clinic to others, painting a picture of a reputable establishment in the wellness industry.

Positive Feedback

The positive aspects of Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic, as reflected in customer feedback, center around the clinic's effectiveness in treating various health issues and the exemplary care provided by the staff. Acupuncture treatments, including IVF support and pain management, are described as highly successful, with meaningful improvement often occurring rapidly. The practitioners, particularly Steven and Reagan, are lauded for their dedication, with many testimonials highlighting their ability to create a warm and supportive environment. The attentive and individualized approach to care stands out, suggesting that the clinic prioritizes understanding and addressing the unique needs of each patient. Additionally, the ambient atmosphere of the clinic is consistently noted as a positive factor, enhancing the overall healing experience. These attributes collectively contribute to the clinic's esteemed reputation and high levels of patient trust and satisfaction.

Concerns and Threads

Given the reviews provided, there are no explicit negative aspects mentioned regarding the customer experience at Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic. All testimonials are positive and there are no recurring complaints or areas of concern that have been identified. This absence of criticism serves to underscore the overwhelmingly affirmative reputation of the clinic among its client base. However, the lack of negative feedback should not be taken as an absolute absence of areas for improvement, but rather an indication that patients who provided reviews had no significant issues with the services received.

Frequently asked questions about Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic

What conditions does Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic specialize in treating?

According to client testimonials, Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic specializes in treating fertility issues, including support for IVF treatments, in addition to various types of pain such as lower back pain and knee pain. They also offer comprehensive care through pregnancy.

Are the acupuncture practitioners at Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic qualified and attentive?

Based on client feedback, the practitioners, particularly Steven and Reagan, are highly praised for their expertise, attentiveness, and caring approach. They have been described as knowledgeable and dedicated to providing personalized care.

Can I expect a comfortable and supportive environment at Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic?

Yes, the reviews strongly suggest that the clinic provides a calming and inviting atmosphere which complements the healing process. The staff is noted for their supportive nature and the ability to make patients feel at ease during treatment.

Recent customer reviews and testimonials for Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic

Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic
Glo Semien
4 weeks ago
I have been seeing Reagan for almost a year now for IVF and she is the best! I am so comfortable with her she makes my visit so relaxing she listens to all of my concerns and she adjust accordingly! I love everything about her and this clinic. I look forward to my treatment each week!
Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic
Sean DeGon
3 months ago
I wanted to try acupuncture for years but never knew where to start, so glad I found Steve and Balance. I started going for lower back and hip pain, that has previously taken several months of massage to bring to a manageable level, and it was all but gone in a week. I'm now learning, and seeing, the many other benefits acupuncture can have. If you're on the fence, or just looking for a new acupuncturist, I highly recommend Balance!
Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic
Cristina Salah
6 months ago
Steve is the most amazing acupuncturist and nicest person ever! He helped us see the light at the end of the tunnel during our infertility journey. During my ivf process I felt that the acupuncture really helped my STIMs treatment and I always produced great follicles. I continued on through the first trimester and feel that it really helped navigate all the pregnancy symptoms I had. My daughter is super healthy and I feel she was getting tons of nutrients and blood flow while in the womb thanks to Steve’s meticulous care. I definitely recommend Balance acupuncture. The atmosphere is always calm and inviting.
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Satisfaction Score

Based on the set of reviews used to generate this report, it appears that of Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic's customers had a positive experience.

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Balance Houston Acupuncture Clinic

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